Off days

how many days off do you take off in your scheduled lifting routines…Does anyone go into the gym six times a week?..Differing viewpoints I have seen on how much recovery is necessary. Personally my body always seems to tell me, but to get truly jacked, is recovery more important than TUT or not?..or are they equally as important?. Sometimes i feel as if you need the six plus days in the gym to effectively hit all the target muscle groups good and solid.
Old fads die hard with me, even though i know they are stupid sometimes.

I go to the gym 5-6 days a week. As far as recovery, I make sure not to work the same muscle group without 2 days rest. I do know that recovery time is very important, as is post workout protein. I have been eating similarly to the TDawg diet with Androsol and have noticed significant gains going on this routine.

I’ve personally found the Ian King 4 day-a-week split to be the best compromise between volume and recovery, but everyone’s different.

I go to the gym 2 days and then take a day off.My bod usually needs the day off especially when you do a lifts like deadds, bench and squats which work more than just one body part.But everybodies different.

I do the Ian King four days a week split. Does anyone do any light cardio on off days?