I sometimes wonder if this site has the right name…I would like to suggest ‘Obsessive-Compulsive Nation’. What I mean is, I see some people on this site micromanaging every area of their life, obsessing over minor minor details, and some of them missing the big picture. Where does being ‘self-disciplined’ end, and where does being obsessed begin?
We all know we should exercise and eat well. So most of us who visit this site do. I play rugby, lift weights and ride my mountain bike. I exercise virtually every day, usually more than once, but I do not do it because a program tells me to do it. I do it because I want to.
When I am hungry, I eat. When I feel restless, I exercise. A few times a year I eat cleaner than usual, when I feel my bodyfat is climbing. But usually I try to eat a lot of protein, and a lot of overall calories. I eat between 4 and 7 times a day.
General principles- that’s how I live. Surely a real T-man does whatever he wants! I have a feeling some of you do whatever you want, as long as eating what Berardi says to, and training like CW says to.
It seems from my reading that there are people on this site who eat by their alarm clock, weigh all their food, and write down everything they eat in a log. WTF? Even pro bodybuilders don’t do that, unless they are preparing for a contest. It seems very anal to me.
If I was a professional athlete looking to maximise every aspect of my performance, I might do that. But on this site we have people following cookie-cutter training programs to the letter, people waking up in the middle of the night to eat (WTF?), people counting how many glasses of water they drink in a day, people only eating 0.9 of a banana because the other 0.1 is too many carbs, peope surviving on only protein shakes for a whole month, people eating food they don’t like because it may help them gain, people never going out with their friends because they have to get up at 6 AM to train ‘Chest and Back, 10x3 style’ people arguing over whether CW’s programs are better than CT’s, -get a grip!
It seems to me from reading the posts of others on this site for the last four years or so, that those who are most obsessed are usually the skinny guys, too. The 165 pound fan-boys, those who follow training programs to the letter, write ‘Best Program Ever!’ whenever a new program is posted, and eat only clean foods are usually the guys who aren’t gaining.
The guys who know their shit, have internalized the principles of training, and train a bit free-style, and eat what they want, reasonably good, but not super-strict, and lots of it, those are the guys who are big.
So, does anyone else think this way?