Forced to Break His Diet

Hey there,

I just wanted an opinion on a stupid thought I had. Now, I’have been training and eating clean consistently for the past few months (with the casual weekly cheat of course) and that whatever happened (hell, I even managed to keep eating healthy at rock festivals and such).

Well I have now some stuff planned for the next few weeks, moving around a lot, basically visiting all my friends in the country before leaving, and it might sound dumb, but I’m afraid that losing track of my diet will screw with what I have achieved so far. I will most likely eat a more regular person diet (15%prot, 60% carbs, 25% fat or something like this).

I know I’m splitting hairs here but would you:

  1. Don’t give a shit, its just for a mere two weeks after all, just enjoy it an try to be less of a psycho Alex.
  2. Try to deal with eating the junk while keeping track of the overall intake to not go above maintenance to minimize consequences on body comp.
  3. Something else.

if you aren’t an obsessive compulsive person then a break won’t do anything to you

if you are an obsessive compulsive person (like myself) then a break for a few weeks can be a mental disaster

  1. Try to eat as close as possible to your dietary needs and not get too worked up about when you are forced to fall short. A lot of it is really proper planning though.
  1. Carry around some BCAAs for when you go more then a few hours without food. This should prevent most, if not all, losses in the muscle realm.

  2. I’m assuming there will be a lot of social eating out? Just try to keep it cleaner. Lots of restaurants make killer grilled chicken, salmon, or steaks.

Basically, I wouldn’t sweat it too much- dont meticulously count calories, macronutrients, or timings- give yourself a break from the minute details for two weeks. But dont let yourself go- do your best to keep things healthy and then get back to it when things have settled down a lil.

Option #1 - life’s too short. Enjoy yourself and get back to it when things settle back down. A good break might be just what you need anyway.

Yeah, another vote for not worrying about it for the two weeks. If I were you, I’d hang out with my friends before I leave and not be overly concerned. Just try to get as much protein as you can, even if it’s not as much as you’d normally eat.

Thanks for all your input guys. To be honest I almost thought I would get flamed on that one however I’m glad to see I’m not the only ‘obsessive compulsive person’ around ;-).

You are all définetely right, imma enjoy myself with more regular folks food than what I’m now used to but try not to get completely dirty though (the exemple with the restaurant was far from stupid).

I’ll try to make sure I get a bit more protein in as well by making a couple batches of protein bars (with oatmeal for during the day, and mixed nuts for just before crashing at nights).
It will keep me from going crazzzzy :D.

Thanks again!