I just read this article from Scientific American in May of 05 entitled:
"Obesity: An Overblown Epidemic?
A growing number of dissenting researchers accuse government and medical authorities–as well as the media–of misleading the public about the health consequences of rising body weights"
I found the article interesting to say the least. I won’t stop squatting because of it but I was wondering what some of the more research oriented folks here think about it.
“Diet composition, physical fitness, stress levels, income, family history and the location of fat within the body are just a few of 100-odd “independent” risk factors for cardiovascular disease”
And also what effect our body composition.
To me, this seems like a bunch of lard-asses trying to justify their fatness. Its not even people from the medical industry who are saying that being fat isnt so bad. I label this article a crock of shit.
Wow, there are some real gem-like bits of wisdom there:
“The overweight segment of the epidemic of overweight and obesity is more likely reducing death rates than boosting them.”
“One of those complicated realities, concurs Campos, a professor of law at the University of Colorado at Boulder, is the widely accepted evidence that genetic differences account for 50 to 80 percent of the variation in fatness within a population.”
I stopped reading after they played the “my genes make me fat” card. Unless you are part water-buffalo, there are no genes that make you a 400lb lard ass.