hey guys. sorry to flood the board but i have one last question i hope you all can help me with. per the advice of the wise t-men on this forum i am trying CT’s OVT program for cutting.
here are my supplements and nutritional program while on this program:
Pure creatine mono
Whey isolate (after workouts and sometimes in the morning)
Hot Rox
debating on trying Surge
my diet is roughly as follows:
6 meals
about 250g of protien, 75-125g of carbs and 3 teaspoons of flax oil a day. that comes to about 2100-2400 cals/day.
please let me know what you think, especially about supps and Surge (if it is worth the money or not). i am confident with my training and cardio program but not my nutr. and supp. i am really trying to dial it in for summer.