Nutrition With Mag-10

It says in the recent FAQ aricle, that when using Mag-10, to rely more on carbs and protein, and eat a lower fat diet with in reason. So, what % fat would be optimal 20%, or maybe down to 15%? Thanks.

I’m going to be using a 50, 30, 20 approach
or maybe 60, 25, 15 approach
depending on what I decide on my total Calorie intake. As long as I get 2.0-2.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, the rest I can divide into carbs and fat.

It’s not a question of percentage, but a question of sufficient essential fatty acids,
and it’s probably a good idea to get plenty
of DHA/EPA as well. But no particular
percentage is needed.

Damn, I’m just popping up everywhere today, sorry. Hey Subhuman, that may be too low a percentage of carbs for a mass cycle.

ACtually bronx it’s more than enough, 60 is above optimal for me, I respond well to 50. Plus remember that’s just a percentage of my total Calories. But I will most likely go for 60 as I always do.

Damn, subhuman, I’m sorry. I should have asked how you were breaking down the percentages. :slight_smile: I ALWAYS look at it as protein/carbs/fat, so I didn’t realize how you were refering to it. Sorry.