When i saw the MAG-10 i couldnt believe that shit. Listen, I’m definetly going to order it and i wondered if taking it alone with no other products is good enough. I’m planning out a 4,000 calorie a day diet with several meals and high protein and im trying to not have too many carbs and im keeping fat as low as possible. So hows this sound?
Your idea of keeping fat reasonably low
is a good one, since any given amount
of calories from fat gives less assistance
to muscle-building than the same number
of calories from protein+carbs. On the
other hand, essential fatty acids are
still important.
4000 calories could be a good choice if
you’re somewhere around say 170-200 lb.
Of this, let’s say 400-450 grams is protein.
That’s 1600-1800 calories.
And let’s say you get 80 grams of fat.
That’s 720 calories, for 2320-2520 total.
(You might be able to make this 60 grams
which then would allow more carbs but
for now let’s say 80 grams.)
So you’re still talking about 1500-1700
calories from carbs. The idea of keeping
carbs low does not apply when gaining mass.
In this example, you’d probably be best
off with the 400 grams of protein and 60
grams of fat (2140 calories) leaving almost
1900 calories for carbs.