Nutrition questions + status report

Although this is going to seem like a fairly stupid question, is there anything potentially wrong with eating meat sources that aren’t the traditional “lean meats” as long as they aren’t terribly high in saturated fats?

I was cruising through the fridge, and thought I would go with some steak (top sirloin) and those Eggland eggs, until I realized that steak and eggs is the classic American fatass heart attack meal, and I got a little concerned. The eggs have 1.5g saturated fat per egg, while the beef has 1g saturated per oz. I’ve got a conflicting image of a P+F meal and a big fat heart attack, so I’m curious as to whether or not eating this is going to potentially have me pushin up daisies.

How much saturated fat is required to start seeing those negative effects? What’s the RDA for teenagers?

I’m reading through my health textbook, and it recommends bagels, pasta, and refined bread products as good sources of energy for youths. To gain weight: “Choose milkshakes instead of milk, whole milk instead of nonfat, add butter to vegetables, whipped cream to fruit, sour cream to potatoes”… etc. It’s pretty hilarious. I’m not entirely sure that’s healthy.

On a sidenote, I have listened to everyone’s advice. I’m currently shooting for around 3000 calories a day, gonna keep building up till I hit around 3300 or so. I’m gaining weight, but it’s mostly lean mass, I don’t really look or feel fat. I’m using Ian King’s Super Strength and Limping Legs now, lifting 4/7 days a week for about 45-50 minutes a session.

Anyways, thanks to everyone on the boards for the help and advice.


Steak is great cutting or bulking. Sirloin is one of the leaner cut also. The trick is to stay away from the good stuff. The steaks with rib in their name is a good rule. Rib eye, for example. Whil;e they are damn good they are loaded witgh high amounts of fat, damn their good though and have their place every now and then.

As far as sat fats go, you need em. Just try and equal out your polys and mono’s throughout the day. Do a search on sat fats if you want more info., but in short it is needed for T levels to be at optimal levels.

If you are lucky maybe Cassanova will stop by and she can load you with all the info. on fats you will ever need. If not do a search of her post.

You are bulking, eat the damn steak and eggs, the later in the day just make sure to get your flax and fish in. Eat and enjoy.

Hope this helps somehow, I know it is pretty vague but I just frigging woke up.


I just wanted to comment on this after thinking about it for a few.

You need to remember that the fat asses you speak of are not only having the steak and eggs, but also pancakes, white bread, coffee with cream and sugar, maragarine and syrup, etc. along side the good steak and eggs.


LoneLobo, there’s nothing wrong with fat. The trick is to take in more of your good fats and less of the bad ones. Bad fats are fried food, transfatty acids, hydrogenated oil and partially hydrogenated oil.

I actually don’t have a problem with saturated fat, so long as it’s part of a larger plan. If you’re taking in olive oil, raw nuts, flaxseed oil, fish oil (high in EPA/DHA), even a big, juicy (i.e., a fattier cut) steak here and there is not going to be a problem.

Back to that “…so long as it’s part of a larger plan,” once again, the particular meal you were contemplating wouldn’t be a problem if you are, in addition, physically active, be it extramural sports, weight lifting, cardio or a job that is physically demanding.

Manage your diet, LoneLobo, work out and enjoy life. Shoot for something in the range of 25% of daily calories coming from fat. Don’t expect to get the latest and greatest advice on your body compositon (or health) from textbooks that are publishing data that was accepted as valid 20 years ago.

I hope that helps. Just wanted to add my 2 cents’ worth to Phill’s good advice.

Why is a 15 yr old kid worrying about a heart attack in the first place?
I understand you want to be healthy as well as muscular but at 15 the last thing you should be worrying about is a little saturated fat.
Another member put it best anyway, about Americans not only going for the steak and eggs but also the margarine, pancakes, hash browns etc.
There is room in most people’s diet for a little saturated fat (I think)especially as young as you are and considering your goals (weight gain).

Dude, eat that stuff.

Yeah, I have no problem getting fat in my diet. I eat lots of nuts, avocadoes, peanut butter. Get some of it from animal sources, but not a whole lot. Usually end up around 90g fat per day, 300-350 protein, 250-300 carbs with usually over 60 g fiber.

ooohhhhhh…avocadoes…where do you live that you can eat that?? they are hella expensive most places here in the U.S.

Oregon. They’re fucking two dollars a piece. It’s ridiculous. Those suckers are like the rich man’s egg.

I had an avocado tree in my backyard as a kid (I grew up in Southern California)

Avacados are fairly inexpensive @ Costco. I think it is like $6 fdr a pack of five.