Howdy all-
My schedule is a mess. I work fulltime and go to school fulltime and I’m lucky if I make it to the gym. Of course I always carve at least 1.5 hours out of my day for gym time. My point of this whole rant and rave is what pointers could I get from you guys when it comes to trying to eat good food and being pressed for time. I normally leave my house at 10 am and don’t make it home until about 1 am. It is damn near immpossible to take enough food with me for the whole day. And when I try I wind up not packing enough and then binge on the vending machine at work. If it matters I am 19 about 240lbs and 17% body fat. My main goals is to look good naked and have sex. BTW I also have this problem that when I see big breast my pants get tight. Thanks for the help T-People (my effort to be politically correct)
ROFL. Look good naked, and have sex. Awesome goals ! But … just pack the beef jerky,nuts, and some protein bars (grow bars are amazing).
Make sure to tell us when you have sex ;p
I’ve had the same problem for the last 3 years or so. I’ve had to upgrade to a bigger cooler twice. Yes, I look like I’m packed for a weekend camping trip, but I never run out of food. Like anything else in this game—think BIG. Even when it comes to the size of your cooler.
Come on TxMikey-
What do you normally eat during the day? Do you work near restaurants, a cafe or does your workplace have a cafeteria? Any one of the previously mentioned should be able to whip you up something that meets your dietary needs. If it is not on the menu shmooze the edentulous ugly hair net lady and I am sure she will make you something.
It doesn’t take much to go and buy a little lunch box cooler and load it up with a couple of GROW! loaded shakers, baggie full of nuts, ostrich stick, some hard boiled eggs and maybe some fruit (all are foods that can last a good bit of time without refrigeration).
And don’t bring any change for that vending machine.
Here’s an absolute must!
Get your 30-40 grams of quality protein with EVERY meal throughout the day. Keep the soy to a minimum and stick with your fish, jerky, lean beef cuts, cottage cheese, eggs, and Grow protein powder.
You want the lean muscle tissue? Eat your protein!