NSCA stance on spotting?

My gym, for which I’m a consultant for is trying to institute spotting on all dumbbell bench presses and the rationale is that its recommended by the NSCA.

Does anyone know about this? I don’t have the textbook so I don’t know the policy. It would seem that if this was the case, any pressing free weight exercise would require this, as it poses similar risk (OH Pronated DB Tri Ext , DB Sh. Press, Incline Press, Decline, Squat, etc).


Sounds like they’re trying to build up some self-importance. C’mon! Spotting on DB movements?!?! That’s about as safe a solo movement as they come. Geez.

I’ve got all the NSCA study materials sitting at home. I’ll take a look and get back to you tonight or tomorrow morning.

I am not sure what specific policy you are looking for. But from “Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning” .It states that with the exception of power exercises, any free weight exercises performed with the bar moving over the head, or positioned on the back, racked at the front of the shoulders, or passing over the face will typically require one or more spotters.
For DB exercises spot as close to the Db’s as possible, and in a few exercises spot the DB itself.
Let me know if you need more info.

I don’t care what the NSCA or anyone else says; if you’re halfway competent, you don’t need a spotter on ANY dumbell exercise. Whenever someone asks me for a spot on a dumbell exercise, I laugh at them and then scare them away by brandishing my penis in a hostile manner.

I’m with brider on this one. It sounds like an idiotic policy to me.

All of these “you must ~ every set” on a given exercise have the net effect of reducing one’s workout efficiency/effectiveness. Are they going to require a spotter for someone who is warming up with a couple of 10lb DBs? If not, are they in violation of policy? If I’m doing a fairly heavy (but still well within my ability) set of DB presses, do I have to wait until a spotter is free to do them? Is the gym going to make sure that there are always qualified spotters available? Is it going to give all of its staff (and perhaps all of its members) instruction in the various correct ways of spotting? Is the gym going to refund my money if their spotting requirement interferes with my workout? And so on and so forth.

Ridiculous. If I were you, I would strongly recommend against implementing such a policy.

I dont always agree with the spotting guidelines when it comes to the db presses. I’m not sure if its the NSCA or ACSM with the new guidelines, but the campus rec center instituted them and requires that db spots come on the forearm for lying db or incline db press. It’s extremely annoying when they refuse to spot anywhere other than the forearm if a spot is needed.

fuckin aye zev. that is one hell of an idea. ill have to try it next time some dude asks me to spot him on some d-bell curls.

How many half-way competent people really train in your gym? Pretty funny though. Prof R. the text also states on barbell bench to spot with your hands on the bar with a mixed grip, usually with your hands inside the athletes grip. Like many people that hold this excersize sacred, I’d probably kill someone if they touched the bar before I said to do so. Anyway, I expected more out of this book on this topic. The way the book is worded about db’s, it doesn’t seem to mean you must spot someone all of the time, just if they need a spot. I can see how gym owners that probably don’t really train could mess up the interpretation. I think this section in the text could be better.

Having been around for awhile, I have seen this happen to qiute a few sports/activities. First it was Scuba Diving and now it is weightlifting. Organizations justify their existance by producing product. In this case rules and methods of spotting Dumbbell movements. Well meaning pencil pushers at your gym and mostly likely your gym’s insurance company read these materials and set-up rules to protect themselves. Like the 23,000 gun laws across the country., but that is a different post. My recommendation is find out how the NSCA recommends you spot, campare this with you own hands-on know and adapt what is useful.
How many times in a workout do you see someone doing something stupid with weights? Benching without collars? Dropping the weights? Adopting new improved spotting rules is not going to stop this. Best of Luck.

Thanks for all the responses.

Greg - thanks for looking that up. Jason did as well.

Char - I totally agree. Who knows if the others working out know how to spot!!?? Memebers do the spotting, not staff. 70’s for me might be = to 20’s for a female, but do either of us or both require a spot? Most would say me, not her, though the relative load is equal.

Sergio - I agree, spotters sometimes help when help is not needed. I expected more as well from the book.

Old lifter - good ideas.
I have actually only came close to injury when I had a spot…someone took me out of the groove on a BP. The other time, they pushed at the elbow, and my arm flxed at the DB hit me on the chest.