Was I wrong in assuming the NPC Figure Class was aimed at girls who were drug free? I saw some recent winners in a magazine, and they are more muscular than the fitness winners. Obviously, the fitness winners use drugs in most cases, so I can assume that the figure winners do too. I didn’t think it was supposed to be like that, it seems like it’s just a fitness class were there are no gymnastic-like routines. Also, the word “figure” made me think more of a ‘mainstream’ look, but the girls I see winning don’t look all that normal. Maybe they should get some judges that are not too familiar with bodybuilding, etc, and have them pick the winners. It just irritates me, since when I first heard about it, I thought it might be a cool thing to enter, but to be good at it, I’d have to basically turn into a man, to win “women’s physique”!
princess: This is a new one on me. What exactly IS the “figure class” and what are the criteria that supposedly define it?
I have never really gotten the NPC’s definition of the physique class. However, I got the impression from people in the know that it was designed to be a class for the more natural looking female physique, as most fitness competitors are using steroids and clen, and look like guys. Or, I assumed it would be a class where the “ideal” female physique would be rewared, based more on the mainstream definition of “ideal”. Since bodybuilding magazines don’t print pictures of Vickie Gates and Valentina Chepiga, I assume that men don’t really want to see them. However, Stacy Lynn, Angel Teves, Kim Kanner, and Rachel Moore are in like every magazine, so I am making the assumption that most guys consider the look of these girls as the ideal female physiques?
This “Physique” Class is an interesting idea. Let’s take a “sport” that excludes the natural women’s physique and create a class of competition that includes them. The result? Well, I hypothesize that it’ll be much the same as the “Natural” men’s competetions. Those ladies are gonnoa be geared. That’s the NPC spirit shining through.
As far as what men find to be the ideal physique? Well we all do this to 'look good nekid', but I think we should also do this for ourselves.
Princess, I have no idea what you look like. Still, the things I find attractive about you are your attention to detail and dedication to training. I’m very attracted to Angel Teves and the likes, but I don’t necessarily find them to be the ideal. Get on stage if it’s something you want. Don’t go after what you’re told is the ideal.
I at least thought that the figure class would start off, for maybe a couple years, as rewarding the natural look. However, already the winners are more muscular than the fitness winners. When someone says that a female has nice figure, do they mean she has nice veins in her calves, and cuts in her chest? Apparently, that’s what the NPC thinks.
On a personal note, I really had no intentions to compete in the figure class, as I really only work out for my own satisfaction. However, it would have been cool to see people being rewarded for having a physique similiar to the one I try to maintian, but obviously, that isn’t going to happen.
Princess…I just don’t get it…you post questions asking about GH, then about equi…friggin horse roids and NOW suddenly your bitching about women turning into men? Coming from you…this is the funniest post I have ever seen!!
“Body I try to maintain” ??? Isnt this the 200 pounds plus princess from AE???
LOL – No kidding whopper. Im beginning to wonder about Princess myself. When you put it all together…quite odd.
Come on people, if you haven’t figured it out by now, princess is a guy writing as a woman. Reread all of its posts and it should be pretty obvious.
If you guys really want to flame me, can you just start another thread, instead of ruining one of mine?
Also, if you are going to talk bad about me, at least do it in an intelligent way. For starters, go back and read my post about GH, and find where I said I wanted to use it. Look as hard as you want, you won’t find it.
There is also a difference between a girl using steroids, and a girl turning into a man. There are many fitness models who use steroids, but still look feminine.
And yes, I am a man, a big, fat hairy one, with hair between my toes, and on my back. But how else would I get so much attention from all you guys? :)~
Attention from ME? Don’t flatter yourself Princess…I am not into pushing women down flights of stairs…so I wouldnt bother with a woman who doesnt seem to mind it. I would have flamed you if you were a guy also…Equi is a hardcore roid…GH you spoke of as something that interested you…to me…both will produce MALE tendancies in women…so dont get your panties in a wad about women who look like men…from using the same drugs you inquire about…nuff said.