Hi it is normal that i dont have inasne pump on bench press ? Like i feel more pump in triceps and on chest maybe in scale 1 to 10 like 6
Here is video of my technique
Maybe i do some mistakes ?
Hi it is normal that i dont have inasne pump on bench press ? Like i feel more pump in triceps and on chest maybe in scale 1 to 10 like 6
Here is video of my technique
Maybe i do some mistakes ?
I dont have insane pump anywhere, besides my lower back on leg days, lol… Why would that matter even?
just asking if its normal i feel my chest but not alot
The bench press is a chest exercise, but many other muscle groups are called upon. I used the bench press as a strength builder, and never got much of a pec pump. But next I did various pec isolation exercises, where it is very easy to concentrate on a pec pump. I suppose with excellent mind/muscle connection that a pec pump could accomplished with a bench press, providing there is good range on motion with the pecs.
Yeah, it’s pretty common for guys not to feel much chest on Bench Press.
That’s why there are so many other chest focused lifts. Guys can Feel them better. Some mass-focused guys don’t do any barbell benching at all.
The technique, or way you bench press can make a difference too. Like you’re benching with a nice arch, elbows kinda tucked, touching pretty low on the chest. This might be better for developing a strong bench press than developing your pecs.
Theoretically, laying flatter on the bench, getting your elbows out more and touching higher on the chest (with lighter weights) could hit your pecs more.
Hmm ok but im actually using bench press for strenght progression like 4x5-6 1x a a week other day block i do incline bench press on 4x8-10 movements there i feel my chest exploding 2 more exercises i do are dumblelll presses incline and flat for 8-12 movements there i feel my chest the most.
Ok so i do all correct i thought i do some mistake thats why my chest is not exploding like in this 3 others exercises.
Thank u
I would definitely recommend switching your bench to the way @FlatsFarmer recommended. No judgment, but chest seems to be a weak link in your physique. You will have to work extra hard to bring this body part up. Here are a few videos about better understanding Chest activation with some methods you should try before any chest workout. Hope this helps.
I also found that Flyes really helped to add size to my chest. It used to be a weak link for me as well but using more exercises like Flyes and incline dumbbell press will help build your chest from multiple angles and really fill that area out for you.
Well ist looks like this atm
and here some difference over months
would u add some modifications to my plan ??
Yeah, don’t rely on the bench press for complete pectoral development, especially when utilizing the powerlifter form of pinching back the shoulder blades and tucking in the elbows which brings in the triceps a lot more. I didn’t really develop my chest until I added in dumbbell pressing and chest flyes. There have been multiple articles on T-Nation about this, too: Tip: Strong Bench, Puny Pecs
Side-note: a source I trust very much, Paul Carter, is against the whole “powerlifter bench press” practice denoting the form I just described, but that absolutely made my shoulders feel healthier when I was first getting the hang of benching, so I gotta stand by it especially as a powerlifter.
I agree with @PowPowPunishment – I would not use the bench press as your sole method to develop your chest. I would use the bench press to develop pressing strength and overall upper body size (this seems to be what you are already doing) and then pick other exercises to develop your chest if that’s your goal. I would be careful about switching to a flatter back form with elbows flared since that can be hard on your shoulders, especially over the long haul. Even switching to that form may not make the barbell bench press a great pec developer so why risk shoulder issues to try to make it a pec developer when there are better options available? Mix in some dumbbell pressing from different angles, flies, converging chest press machine if available, etc.
Your body composition is definitely improving! I just noticed that chest was a genetic weak point for you, The same as it was for me. I’ll share a picture with you as well, on the left, I was 15(I had already been training for 3 years) and I only did Barbell Bench for my chest, The picture on the right was exactly a year later at the age of 16 and I had been doing Dumbbell Flyes, Dumbbell Bench And Push-ups for my chest. I think you will also notice a stunning amount of chest growth if you add some variety (namely with dumbbells) to your chest workouts, and it may even become a strong point!
dem that’s a huge difference
But i started to do incline dumbell press dumbell press and incline bench press ill add some flyies but idk if it will be not much volume in my trening plan
Thank you. Back then I did full body sessions 3x per week. I opened the session with 12-15 Flyes right into 12-15 Dumbbell Bench (I did these on the floor in my parents living room) without rest went right into 15 Slow perfect push-ups. I then went through the exercises for the rest of the body. Then I would repeat the circuit 2 more times for a total of 3 sets of everything.
I recommend looking into hand release push ups. I took a long break from benching and began doing these regularly and eventually loading them. For me it was all around a better stimulus in my chest and full body as well. Going heavy gave me that “life or death” feeling, although much satisfying that I’d get on a lot of the big lifts.
Plus your shoulders have more free movement.