just curious as to what you guys would say to this…i’m not complaining as i know i can gain weight, i’m just asking opinions…
i’m 5’9" 175-180 lbs depending. my waist size is approximately 33-34 upon waking in the morning. if i eat even a light breakfast, my waist pops out to 36 inches. by the end of the day it will reach 36-38.
doesn’t bother me at all personally, but it looks pretty stupid when i’ve got an otherwise fit looking body with a potbelly sticking ridiculously far out in anything but a sweatshirt (still 80+ degrees here, damnit).
now, with that said, you’d probably say ah you’re just a f’ing weakling.
well, i might be somewhat, but i just finished rack pulling at knee level 585x3, i’ve narrow sumo stance deadlifted 495x5 almost 5 months ago, squatted 235x22 ATG, 350x5 parallel, with no straps or wraps/anything.
my point is, i lift HARD, i eat perfect, but anytime i try and gain some weight, my stomach balloons up to unnecessary proportions. maybe i’m all wrong and a 36-38 waist on an otherwise “low bodyfat” individual is perfectly normal for bulking, but i like to think something is wrong is that’s true.