Hey guys, I’ve done a decent amount of research here and had always considered doing a cycle, but never made the jump. My friend gifted me some testosterone gel, so I had some bloodwork done before taking any.
I am 34 and 187 lbs - my main concern is high estradiol. I don’t know how I have test in 700 range, I do take some occasional supplements. I think at sometime in my 20s it was in the 400 range, but I quit drinking alcohol and hit the gym all the time now.
Now I know you guys wouldn’t recommend the gel, but I’m taking it anyway. On the first dose I felt a bit of tachycardia for a couple hours. On day 2, I lowered the dose, there seemed to be no immediate side effect.
Considering my high estradiol number, I am thinking about taking Arimidex .25 mg 2x a week. Would this be a good plan or can somebody recommend something else? I will also work on eliminating PUFA’s.
Your estrogen is fine. Nothing wrong with it being a touch out of range as long as your not having any symptoms. For now I would just keep monitoring. If it starts to climb then maybe consider an AI.
What is your BF%. Higher BF% will corelate to a higher T to E conversion rate.
I’d be more concerned about glucose and hematocrit numbers over the estrogen.
Hello - thanks for the response sorry I wasn’t more clear
This bloodwork is prior to adding any testosterone, Jan 22 morning. I began taking the cream after the bloodwork and experienced the tachycardia, I’ve only taken two doses. So those are my natural estradiol numbers which I am worried about.
Not sure, I did have some black coffee which as far as fasting goes didn’t matter. I do have excessive thirst normally. As far as body fat, I don’t know the number but have a small gut. Was doing lots of cardio the past year and cut most of it out the last few months. I’m 5 ft 10 187 lb
With high glucose, and other slightly out of range blood markers, I’d be speaking to the Dr, and sorting my health rather than messing with off script meds.
What was the thinking behind taking testosterone anyway?
Have had it checked out by docs before as it’s borderline high usually, but really no answers. Not diabetic and don’t have diabetes insipidus. Didn’t want meds to lower it.
As for the test - I thought I could improve energy levels, physique, sex life, etc.
Have three months worth so just wanted to try a cycle. Don’t have the PCT on hand, was trying to gauge people’s thoughts on the AI given E2 level seemingly high as natty. Arimidex looks good to me but yeah just looking for feedback
I’d say from the limited info posted up, that you’re probably not at the right place for starting - there are some red flags on your blood work and got tachy off the first application.
If you were serious about doing a proper cycle, I’d personally try my hardest to sort out those health markers, hight hct and tachy is an awful place to start. I’d post my diet and training up here, accept the critique and implement the suggestions, then come back in about a year after you’ve got all that sorted and do a cycle of injectable test.
Diet is generally black coffee when waking up (wake up around 3 am hit gym at 4) and afterwards usually scrambled eggs in either butter or coconut oil.
More coffee and water throughout the day, sometimes I’ll eat once more sometimes twice. Could be something like ground beef, rice, salsa. Salmon rice veg. Chicken, potatoes. Chicken could be rotisserie or breasts. Sometimes no carb or veg. Occasional takeout like a burrito or sandwich. Fairlife milk, nuts as snacks.