I�??ve read a couple articles on here that no xplode is a waste of money. But I also read on other sites that it�??s the best thing since sliced bread. bodybuilding.com rates no xplode as the years best muscle builder for the third year in a row. and the supplement review site has 100s of ratings all indorsing it. One of my friends takes this shit and has been for a while and swears by it. I also asked the local GNC about the class action lawsuit and they had no idea what I was talking about. So whats the deal with this shit???
There’s no deal.
I see a lot of kids at the gym that take it.
Doesn’t seem like anything special, and from what I’ve read about the (lack of) scientific evidence for its effects, well, get grassfed meat instead of grain.
This link says that there is plenty of scientific evidence that NO2 is efficient bodybuilding.com/store/no2.html and i think that its a main ingredient in xplode
and there has to be some reason that it continues to be a top product for the last few years. and some people are stupid consumers but wouldnt you think that if you didnt get results you wouldnt buy it. which brings me back to the question if its such a shity product why is it still sellin like crazy??
thre is a lawsuite yes but that doesnt mean that the plantiff is completly correct
i may be talkin about things i dont know about just tryin to get some info
NO Xplode is caffeine and a little bit of arginine mixed with more caffeine.
it’s not worth taking it. i took it for about a month and a half and threw it out. each day I told myself that I’d give it another shot, but each day the same thing happened: nothing. if I want a caffeine rush, I’ll drink coffee or soda.
[quote]tnester wrote:
This link says that there is plenty of scientific evidence that NO2 is efficient http://bodybuilding.com/store/no2.html and i think that its a main ingredient in xplode
and there has to be some reason that it continues to be a top product for the last few years. and some people are stupid consumers but wouldnt you think that if you didnt get results you wouldnt buy it. which brings me back to the question if its such a shity product why is it still sellin like crazy??
thre is a lawsuite yes but that doesnt mean that the plantiff is completly correct
i may be talkin about things i dont know about just tryin to get some info[/quote]
That’s all well and good, but I don’t think sales of a product reflect it’s effectiveness. Just take a look at the state of music these days and you’ll conclude that popularity does’nt always equal quality.
it used to be good before they switched to their new fake formula. Drink a shit load of water and take a caffeine pill same effect
I actually tried it earlier this year. It gave me crazy pumps in the gym (which is why I think its retarded popular), but don’t know if helped me go from 135 to almost 170. I think it was mostly eating like a beast and protein.
I won’t use it again though. When I did cardio, it gave me a pump in my legs/calves that made it hard for me to run, and being in combat communications in the military, that was bad news.
After reading and learning on T-Nation, I’d say the money is better spent elsewhere, like groceries for a clean diet, and Metabolic Drive/Surge.
My 2 cents. . .
[quote]tnester wrote:
and there has to be some reason that it continues to be a top product for the last few years. and some people are stupid consumers but wouldnt you think that if you didnt get results you wouldnt buy it. which brings me back to the question if its such a shity product why is it still sellin like crazy??[/quote]
The Pet Rock made several million dollars worth of sales in under one year.
People will buy all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons. Especially things they don’t need.
NO Xplode is the Pet Rock of the sports supplement industry.
[quote]tnester wrote:
i may be talkin about things i dont know about just tryin to get some info[/quote]
We’re giving you information, it’s just not what you wanted to hear.
Your money is better spent elsewhere.
Oh, and read this article series by Dave Barr about NO products:
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
The Pet Rock made several million dollars worth of sales in under one year.
People will buy all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons. Especially things they don’t need.
NO Xplode is the Pet Rock of the sports supplement industry.[/quote]
Gee, thanks. I had just gotten over the loss of Rufus the Rock.
[quote]gi2eg wrote:
I see a lot of kids at the gym that take it.
Doesn’t seem like anything special, and from what I’ve read about the (lack of) scientific evidence for its effects, well, get grassfed meat instead of grain.[/quote]
I hear some kids at the gym talking about getting some more like it was the end all-be all of training. No clue.
I think you should conduct a study and waste, er… I mean spend ALL of your hard earned money on NO Xplode, then post before and after pictures on how massive it helped you become. That should thoroughly answer your posted question.
[quote]lizard king wrote:
I think you should conduct a study and waste, er… I mean spend ALL of your hard earned money on NO Xplode, then post before and after pictures on how massive it helped you become. That should thoroughly answer your posted question.[/quote]
if i really wanted to do that i think i wouldnt of posted the question in the first place
the reason for the post was that ive heard two different stories and wanted to get more information
It’s a fantastic product…if you like getting headaches, upset stomach, no real training improvement and a lighter wallet
haha im not sure why so many ppl are being dicks in answering ur question … but like ppl said basically what it does is give u energy and give u a massive pump in the gym… (i took it over the summer)
thus the reason it sells well is because it gives the masses the immediate results they so desperately crave… they feel like a beast with unlimited energy and they look swole while at the gym… they erroneously think this is tantamount to genuine gains
problem being a pump is good but its not great for gains especially for the price… and the same sort of energy increases can be had by cheaper supplements
the thing is the ppl who are buying such an expensive supplement are probably motivated enough to see gains anyway… but then immediately attribute their gains to the supplement rather than hard work
another point is that the no xplode i took had creatine in it… so yeah this might confound results as well, being that creatine has withstood the test of time as one of the mainstay supps
in the end i liked the supp as well because it gave me a pump and got me jacked… but its way too expensive and the same results can be had for a much cheaper price
I took it before and noticed nothing more than what I get from a caffeine pill or Spike. Some people want to cut my throat for speaking ill of it, they swear it is the best thing ever to make them “swole”. My only answer for these people is placebo effect.
I tried it as well and while i did feel the “rush” i guess you could say, after awhile it was like my body got used to it and i felt nothing from it. Honestly, Spike Shooter is the only thing that works for me on a consistent basis.
I took NO Xplode a couple of months ago, to see what all the fuss was about.
Let’s just say the only thing that “xploded” was my diarrhea in the toilet. I liked the energy it gave me, but it didn’t help my gains, and I never finished the container because it gave me stomach pains and made me feel shaky if I dosed it wrong.
I recommend buying a small bottle of caffeine pills for like $7, and taking one 200mg pill 1/2 hour before you work out. Same shit!
i took it and while it did get me pumped for workouts like no other supplement i’ve ever taken, although you build a tolerance to it and have to take more to get the same effect, and when you start taking more than it says to well basically your hair falls out (at least in my experience!)