I started taking NO Xplode and everytime it sends me to the shitter within 10min of taking it. However it’s given me some extra energy in the gym but the effects seem to diminish the more often I take it. What is your experience with NO-Xplode and other NO products? I searched for an NO product thread saw none.
I know a few people that don’t get the runs, and a few that do. Some people swear by that shit, and a few of them are big mofo’s. I don’t know, whatever floats your boat.
Just take caffeine pills, that is what you are feeling as far as energy. Which you will build a tolerance too. It happens.
My roommate and I got a couple of month’s worth of free NO supps from some company that was advertising on campus (they weren’t handing anything else out). Got a slightly better pump, but stimulants don’t do anything for me. Other than that, not much to report. Would not use them if I had to pay for them.
It’s a fucking vasodiliator. Your body makes all the NO it needs within a matter of seconds of beginning work. This is your blood supply and blood vessels we’re talking about here, let your own body handle it. NO-Xplode is the most useless fucking waste of money and time on the face of the god damn planet. Do yourself a favor and throw that shit away.
i agree with beans.
i don’t personally use the stuff. although there are guys way bigger than me that swear by it.
if u like it, use it. if u’d rather spend 70 bucks on a hote date, do that instead.
save money, buy arginine
I remember the days of pre-workouts like NO Xplode, Super Pump, etc…I also remember the wonderful pre-workout explosive craps. They may have done me some good, but way too much agony before the workout hah.
[quote]ebomb5522 wrote:
I remember the days of pre-workouts like NO Xplode, Super ‘Dump’, etc…I also remember the wonderful pre-workout explosive craps. They may have done me some good, but way too much agony before the workout hah. [/quote]
Fixed that for ya
I tried Super Pump 250 just for the hell of it. It does make you shit, sometimes more than once. It must be loaded with stimulants because it also played havoc with my sleep patterns. First time I took it, I couldn’t fall asleep until the sun was up the next day. Yes, I did have good workouts during this time, but I assume it was because of all the stimulants, and a couple of accepted substances like creatine and beta alanine.
Also, this was just on one scoop, and the label says take as much as 3 scoops (I think). I think I would murder somebody on 3 scoops (once I got off the toilet). I remember yelling at somebody to put their fucking weights away, on one scoop (and that is really not typical for me).
Also, I like to know what I’m taking, and it bugs me when the ingredient list doesn’t give specific amounts (and Super Pump label doesn’t tell you). I have no idea how much caffeine I was taking.
Everytime I take it I can expect to use the shitter by the time I’m done with first exercise of the workout.
I’ve never taken NoXplOdE but anyone else get the shits when they use Surge? I’m beginning to think i’ve taken it for so long i have an allergy towards it.