I’m going to give Chad Waterbury’s program a shot. Tested my calves last night with less-than-stellar results. I failed on the 8th rep for both calves. I tried to be honest with myself and be as strict as possible so on the 8th rep when I didn’t feel like I reached the same height as the previous reps I called it.
Measurements were (also disappointing) 15in for the left and 15.25in for the right.
I hope you follow through, finish, and post results because Chads ideas really are becoming quite interesting to me. I’m currently doing a shoulder program of his (Look under Frequency Experiment in the BB forum)
[quote]TheKingAdRock wrote:
aware me on the program/protocol you will be following. [/quote]
[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
Commenting so I can check in when your done.
I hope you follow through, finish, and post results because Chads ideas really are becoming quite interesting to me. I’m currently doing a shoulder program of his (Look under Frequency Experiment in the BB forum)
Hope to see you get some results.[/quote]
Whoa…Lonnie? As in Lonnie Lowery? If so that’s freaking awesome that you’re keeping an eye on this. That’s motivating.
Well it’s been two weeks and I’m back with good news! My calves have each grown a a quarter inch each, right 15.5 and left 15.25. Visually it’s hard to pick up on that but the tape doesn’t lie and hey, growth is growth. I’m going to keep on this program, tired of being tall and having skinny calves.
I just read the article again, forgot about taking today off (already done two sets) and testing tomorrow so I’ll take tomorrow of and test on Tuesday. I’ll try to get some pictures up soon, I haven’t really looked at my cavles since I started. I’ve turned away from mirrors recently in an attempt to focus on cutting out the BS and finally getting really strong.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I followed this program as closely as possible. I missed maybe two or three sets due to work or falling asleep or something. In the beginning with two second pauses I would get ~10 reps each. Now it’s closer to 20.
EDIT 2: I just realized…a quarter inch increase in two weeks is great. I have no problem with a half inch in a month.
I followed that very closely a few years back and got as lean as I think I’d ever been. Well, as lean as I’ve ever been without losing a ton of muscle in the pursuit. I still show this comparison to people quite often to show them that having visible abs and being lean isn’t about doing 1,000 hours of abdominal workouts or through death by jogging. I never performed a single ab exercise, I walked six days a week, lifted heavy and hard, eat clean and met my goals.
Sorry to burst your bubble… I’m not THAT Lonnie though, I’m the other one
He and I have a running joke about that on the Iron Radio Facebook Listeners page, which he reads and responds to. If you wanted to drop him a line there I’m sure he would love to hear it.
Congrats on the calf growth, thats awesome. If you can do a full inch in a month that would be quite impressive.