No Raw Milk

“In Maryland, they force taxpayers to pay for abortions, but God forbid we want the same milk our grandparents drank.”

I’d say just quit selling it across state lines.

I can’t fucking stand what my country is becoming. Or perhaps, has become. Or did become decades ago. Who knows, all I know is I’m mad as hell.

[quote]pushharder wrote:

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
I can’t fucking stand what my country is becoming. Or perhaps, has become. Or did become decades ago. Who knows, all I know is I’m mad as hell.[/quote]

Read that book I mentioned up yonder if you want to get even madder. It’s based on a long series of well documented historical facts. The book is not just about gun rights, it’s about the gradual usurpation of power by the federal government for the past 80 years. It’s about “How to boil a frog without him jumping out of the pot.”[/quote]

I don’t think I want to get any madder. I’m already disenfranchised and powerless while my country fucks itself out of everything it once had, so getting myself even more upset would just be contributing to my future heart attack quicker.

This crap has been going on for a real long time. I was a member of a herd share in Ohio just so could get raw milk. I had to pay $50 a year for part of a cow, just so the Ohio Dept of Agriculture couldn’t tell me what to do with my own milk. I had to also pay a $6 a gallon handling fee, but it was worth it.

I remember at the time the Dept of Agriculture seized an Amish farmer’s entire herd because he gave a glass of raw milk to an undercover officer who came knocking on his door basically begging. The farmer refused to take money, but they charged him with distribution. The whole sting cost the state $800,000. For a fucking glass of milk.

What the christ is this shit?

You can’t have raw milk anymore?

Raw milk cannot be sold legally in Canada.

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
I’m already disenfranchised and powerless [/quote]
No. Don’t fall for that.

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
I can’t fucking stand what my country is becoming. Or perhaps, has become. Or did become decades ago. Who knows, all I know is I’m mad as hell.[/quote]
Is becoming… Present tense - reversible.

“mad as hell” is the proper response… not “sad as hell”

But you are correct, the anger will only eat away at your heart - unless you focus it

[quote]Makavali wrote:
What the christ is this shit?

You can’t have raw milk anymore?[/quote]

Not in all states. Some states ban it but the FDA is cracking down on it more and more. Here’s a recent update on the issue:

[quote]pushharder wrote:
We are frogs and we are in the pot. What keeps us there? Read the book.[/quote]

I am trying to think what the analogy between frogs which (because of being cold blooded) wouldn’t notice a slowly boiling pot of water and humans who allow tyranny to slowly creep up on them would be. Maybe it is our forgetfulness.

When change happens imperceptibly slow over time it is difficult to notice it.

If it happens too drastic and too soon it could cause chaos and probably would not be a lasting change.

But anyway, get to the punchline already.

[quote]Makavali wrote:
What the christ is this shit?

You can’t have raw milk anymore?[/quote]

Remember, this is America.

Behind every prohibitive law is some guy “making a buck” off of it.

Do does this come down to distributing raw milk or consuming it. If I have my own cow, can I drink the raw milk? I’m guessing once you start selling it, thats when the government has the easy ticket to get involved.