No Effect From Caffeine

I was wondering if anyone else has had this. Caffeine almost does 0 effect on me. And its not like ive built a tolerance towards it,its just that it has never had an effect on me, I literally have never felt the buzz or energized after consuming it. Ive consumed those ridiculous fat burning pills that have a ton of caffeine and green tea and stuff in the same days and i never get any energy boost. Had times when ive drank 3 cups of coffee(becaude i love the taste of coffee) and then went to sleep. Could there be any side effect to all this,to me consuming too much caffeine without getting the energy and stuff? The only thing caffeine makes me do is go to the bathroom. So yeah my question is is there any danger here?

No. You’re fine. Caffeine has an effect for most people, but plenty don’t. If you want to play it safe just don’t drink coffee right before bed, could impair the depth and quality of your sleep even if it doesn’t stop you falling asleep.

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I can relate. Caffeine has never really done anything for me. One day I worked up to a dose of 800 mg before a workout (very stupid), and still had no tangible effects.

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Most caffeine you’ve had at once? 1000mg? 10,000mg?

Probably around 1000mg.

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Lmao i knew that was coming.

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