Ack! I have to vent this cuz I can’t find a GNC that has BIOTEST PRODUCTS in COLORADO SPRINGS!!! I’m in Colorado Springs, Biotest HQ, and it makes no sense that I can’t pick up a bottle of Methoxy in this town. I brought a bottle w/ me, but it ran out, and I’m too far from home to get some more. Grr…
Does anyone know any place near Garden of the Gods Road where I can pick up a bottle of Biotest Methoxy?
I was in the 'Springs last August visiting a friend. While there, I worked out at a Gold’s Gym that was off one of the major roads (I forget the name, but I could find out if necessary). Anyway, attached to this Golds was a non-chain supplement store which carried Biotest products, at reasonable prices too.
I bet you could find the Gym from the phone book, connect the dots and get to the supp store.
the store you are talking about is at the flex gym (formerley gold’s gym) on whisperhollow court. find a map of the springs, or if you are on garden of the gods road, head north on I-25 untill you reach woodmen. exit at woodmen and turn right(east). head east on woodmen and turn right(north) on academy. follow academy a short distance past dublin and turn left(east) on lehman. the first right is whisperhollow, which will take you to flex gym.
the gym that has discount sports nutrition in flex gym (formerly golds gym. from where you are, head north on i25, exit east at woodmen. then turn right on academy blvd. follow academy to lehman, and turn left. whisperhollow will be the street immediatley at your right after you turn, and it will take you behind and around the gym.
Settla, I never saw any Biotest products here in Central, NJ either… I just order my stuff online… Wait a second I was at the mall the other day at just looking through the GNC store I saw what wait a ahhhhh one bottle of MD6 The only Biotest product in the whole store…
I think I once tried to get a “Where do you buy your Biotest products?” thread going but it never went anywhere. I think it would be a good thread, or better yet would be a store directory as part of the biotest website.