I had horrible night sweats last winter and into at least March.
True, I was taking HOT-ROX, Carbolin 19, T2, and was on the juice (half the time on the juice anyway – the night sweats were same regardless) but the supplement protocol ordinarily would not cause it.
My thyroid levels were perfect, so that was not it.
Tren is known to contribute to night sweats but the problem was just as or nearly as bad in off weeks.
I mean absolute bed-drenching night sweats. I had to change sheets twice per night – despite keeping the window open and the room temperature dropping to at least the 50s, and of course using no blanket – and remove them entirely during the day to make sure the mattress would stay dry.
I have no idea what caused it, as the same protocol before did not cause it and has not caused it since then.
About the only part that I understand of what is going on is that the body needs to drop to a lower core temperature for proper sleep to occur. It is possible that if the body “misreads” its temperature (I think but have not established as verified fact that this can happen) and thinks it is “too hot for slepp” at say 97 F then it will work very aggressively, by which I mean apply the cooling mechanisms very aggressively, to shed yet more heat. So if the metabolic rate is good, a lot of sweating will be needed to get the body as cool as it, perhaps mistakenly, thinks it needs to be.