Can anyone tell me if there is a significant difference between Rob Faigin’s Natural Hormonal Enhancement and Mauro DiPasquale’s Anabolic Diet? I always get great results from the anabolic diet,and don’t want to shell out the money for a clone. Thanks for any replies.
NHE is a high protein, moderate fat, low carb diet instead of a High Fat diet like the Anabolic Diet. The Anabolic Diet has a 1-2 day consecutive carb up but the NHE diet has 2 carb meals at the end of the day, every 3rd then 4th day. Its very similar to what Beverly Internation recommends for most of their diets for competition. The NHE book is a much better book, in my opinion. The book covers EVERYTHING you can think of, even the best way to exercise for maximum fat loss. Theres even a bodybuilders section for people who want to put on mass that emphasises a higher fat intake. Everything is backed by pages of scientific references, and almost any aspect of nutrition is covered. The book is 300pgs and absolutely worth the price, even though you can construct the diet by following the principles mentioned above or going to Beverly’s site. By the way, Di Pasquale told me his new Anabolic Diet book should be out by the end of this summer, but his Metabolic Book was a year delayed so I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting on this one.