Well after much research and deliberation - I have decided my next cycle is going to be the classic mass builder: Sustanon, Deca and DBol.
By the time I go on this cycle, I would have been 3 months into my HGH cycle as well - so Im hoping my combined results should be quite good.
Deca durabolan/DecaPlex - 400mg per week for 8 weeks
Sustanon 250 - 500mg per week for 8 weeks
Dianabol/Methanoplex - 30mg per day, six days per week for 6 weeks
I will keep nolva on hand for any gyno symptoms that might develop. PCT - clomid will be used 10 to 14 days post cycle…not too sure what dosage would be advisable and for how long…advice here would be appreciated.
Im also thinking of throwing in Clenbuterol for a few weekds during pct and maybe (and thats a big maybe)…a bit of primo but i doubt i will do that. I hear primo might be good to keep the gains…together with a good pct. But i dont have too much information about that hence why i say i might just skip the primo.
I was also wanting to incorporate the “Test Taper Protocol” into this cycle…but not too sure how to do it…
Guys im here since i need the advice of the experts on this forum. Constructive advice would be appreciated. My stats:
1.75m (5’9)
85kg (187lbs)
training 15 years
1 cycle under my belt (16 week - test e, dbol, winny, clen)
Currently on HGH 2ius ED, …by 3rd month i will be on 4ius/5ius.
There are stickies on the top of the “steroids” forum (including PCT & Test Taper sticky), read all of them, you’ll know the answers then Then post them here.
saw the test and pct stickys… just wanted to know one specific to the sustanon 8 week cycle and will read the pct one…just wanted to know dosage for pct
There’s really no “specific” pct for different esters, just the pct starting times vary, you should start pct 3 weeks after your last shot when using mixed ester like sustanon. Other things are in the stickied threads.
ok I see you might have misunderstood about the specifics. I ment specific test taper protocol for Sustanon …let me read the sticky here and if im still confused or what ever, i will post my understanding on here for you guys to check.
Ok ive re-read the Test taper protocol. From what I understand is the following
when using sustanon and/or deca = 6 week waiting period
During the waiting period I need to be off all drugs excluding the test. If im using sustanon - 100mg on monday and 100mg on wednesday and 100mg on friday? or just 100mg on monday and 100mg on thursday?
week 1 - 6 = waiting period (100mg every 2 or 3 days…since its sustanon not test e)
at the end of the waiting period:
week 7 = 80mg of sustanon split 2 or 3 ways (40mg/40mg or 27mg/27mg/27mg)…start clomid treatment
week 8 = 60mg
week 9 = 50mg (should be off all AI’s by then)
week 10 = 40mg
week 11 = 30mg
week 12 = 20mg
Is this how the test taper protocol works for Sustanon/deca… since i will be taking both…they said 4 weeks for prop/sustanon and 6 weeks if on deca?
advice please as im not sure if im understanding the protocol correctly?
Because Deca has long clearance times you could replace it with NPP, this is Nandrolone but with a shorter ester. Also, you might want cabergoline to prevent deca dick.
[quote]cybercom8 wrote:
Ok ive re-read the Test taper protocol. From what I understand is the following
when using sustanon and/or deca = 6 week waiting period
During the waiting period I need to be off all drugs excluding the test. If im using sustanon - 100mg on monday and 100mg on wednesday and 100mg on friday? or just 100mg on monday and 100mg on thursday?
week 1 - 6 = waiting period (100mg every 2 or 3 days…since its sustanon not test e)
at the end of the waiting period:
week 7 = 80mg of sustanon split 2 or 3 ways (40mg/40mg or 27mg/27mg/27mg)…start clomid treatment
week 8 = 60mg
week 9 = 50mg (should be off all AI’s by then)
week 10 = 40mg
week 11 = 30mg
week 12 = 20mg
Is this how the test taper protocol works for Sustanon/deca… since i will be taking both…they said 4 weeks for prop/sustanon and 6 weeks if on deca?
advice please as im not sure if im understanding the protocol correctly?[/quote]
I believe its recommended to use a single ester testosterone for the test taper. like test e, or maybe even test prop. Using the sust for the taper will cause complications IMO, and blood levels will spike and drop off to often. might not workout so well for the taper method.
Good luck with the cycle, but i would deffinetly read on the taper more-not just the first 4 pages either, the whole thing because there’s some good conversations and answered questions in there.
Regarding the caber…what dosage is advisable - im 85kg (1.75m)…Deca dosage will be 400mg a week.
Regarding the taper - will read the taper protocol again. Ive mostly read the newbie cycle planning sticky. Ive done test e before with good results but lost most of them when I stopped…partly due to my over the top pct. I want to try a differnt shorter ester test …and the classic sust,deca,dbol combo seems the best route to go to put on some good quality muscle bulk. I will do another cycle to cut a bit later though.
The taper sticky will discuss ways to include test e, at the end of the cycle to use durring the stasis/taper period. Nothing wrong with using the sust for the cycle. -If its not an issue gabbing a vial of test e
Pity i was 92kg at a stage…but after my pct…dropped down to 85kg. And battled to keep my gains but managed to keep some. I did start at around 81kg…so picked up 4kg…so its not too bad.
now I just need to see If i can get caber in my country.
I agree. Ive heard too many things about deca dick so no thanks…will definitely try and find in my country…or have a site i can order from thats quite reliable. Get my pregnyl from there.