Currently on my PCT and cruising on 100 mg testosterone/week HRT. My bloods looked great during last blast, right afree and expect no surprises when I redo them here in a few weeks. Feel great other than the itch to get after it but I know and respect time.
Last blast was;
Test C 250/week.
Primo 200/week
Anavar 24 daily.
My next cycle I have Test, Primo, NPP and 2 weeks worth of Anavar at 24mg/daily.
As I do more reading and trying to learn without cracking a full on textbook I am seeing a trend of adding and subtracting gear during the life of the cycle.
So my question is this; with my planned upcoming cycle what would you “suggest”
For the timing of using what I have and initial as well as tapering doses for a 10 week (possibly 12 week if all goes well) cycle. To get the most out of the limited supply of Anavar I have when and how would you incorporate it in?
And a preemptive thank you for those who respond kindly and informatively.
These 2 things do not go together. If your on TRT then you do not PCT when finished with your cycle. You just drop down to TRT dose and carry on.
In a short cycle such as 10-12 weeks the only thing you would add in would be an oral. If building prob arounf week 7-8 when your lifts stall. Some people will “kickstart” with an oral but if your using NPP that will saturate pretty quickly so no need to take anything else upfront.
If your doing a 10-12 weeks cycle then you will run the injectables at the same dose week 1-10/12. As far as the anavar goes, why don’t you just get more and run it for 5-6 weeks? 2 weeks of a weak oral is prob not that beneficial.
Thank you for the replies. I may have used the term cruise inappropriately. I was diagnosed with low testosterone levels with 2 blood tests before starting true HRT (hormone replacement therapy.) Where I am not on a cycle the Dr. has me on 100mg Test weekly.
The Anavar was from the last Cycle. I stayed true to the plan and is left over. I am on the fence as to adding it in the next cycle and if I should truly buy more to fully add it in.
If your on TRT then you do not PCT. Maybe that term was used in error? Assuming you’re not taking any PCT drugs correct?
As far as the Anavar just get more. Don’t use stuff just to use it. Honestly anavar for man at 24mg/day is not worth running. I typ run it in the 50-100/day range. Cycles should be planned/executed to match your goals.
I tried it once through Defy. 50mg a day turned my pecker into mush. Was taking this plus my TRT dose so I didn’t expect problems but they happened within about a week. I’m jealous of the guys that can run gear, seems anything I tried, even stuff considered mild, would kill my erections. That’s another reason I stopped a couple years ago.
Yup both prescribed by Defy, so legit product, both issues. Don’t get me wrong I know neither is TRT and both are PEDs so you sometimes pay to play. When I was young none of that stuff ever affected me. I stupidly cycled in my early 20s with a fraction of the knowledge I have now. I never had any issues but of course lost anything I gained each time I stopped even though I never stopped training.
Luckily moderate TRT to optimization levels don’t give me too many issues. I have secondary hypo and have had issues even since puberty. Modern TRT is a quality of life major enhancement for me.