Currently on week 7 (600mg total 350 from 1cc E+ 250 from 1cc C)
I feel great, energy’s somewhat low I feel the need to sleep my ass off more than usual at the end of the day. Putting on some solid size +7lbs down 3.5% BF
My question/concern is PCT. The OG (65 y/o trained some world class bodybuilders and still does) said for me not to worry about PCT/Sides at this dose and being that it’s my first cycle. Regardless, I want to be on the safe side. Let me know what I need to take on the tail end of my cycle or after to counter any potential sides! Thanks in advance guys, I appreciate any and all advice!!
Nothing like week 7 for trying to round up your PCT drugs.
You should have made this post before starting. Everyone probably would have told you to wait due to age (#harmreductionboard) but Atleast you’d have gotten some good info on how to run a cycle and how to PCT.
Please go get lab work and post them so @tareload can sleep better tonight.
Thanks for the references!! Following up on those now. The reason for the pyramid was due to me trusting the guy who introduced me to the stuff. Old guy still in great health, as we’re his buddies, so I trusted his advice.
Would you suggest finishing this cycle then starting with HCG followed by Nolva?
Thanks for the reply. Definitely should have had more forethought involved for my PCT. I’ll be getting blood work done by the end of the week. Preparing for the end of the cycle, is there anything I definitely need to get? Some say Clomid, some novadex. What would you suggest and at what dose?
Thanks! Yes, I have blood work from six months ago prior to this cycle. So you’d suggest running the HCG starting now and continuing for four weeks after last injection?
I agree on running HCG for a good bit, but 4 week washout seems excessive. Did you catch his week 13? He’s running 150 mg that week. 300 the week prior.
It’s good to be on the HCG for a bit with no test in the system. I’m just not sure if I’d go that long.
There are lots of flavors out there including Defy’s various protocols and how they have evolved…AI, clomid, enclomiphene, etc…
RE: hCG…To your point, if you look at one of their later versions with the kitchen sink…
Discontinue testosterone
Start 300 IU hCG daily for 2 weeks
Stop hCG, start 25 mg enclomiphene daily for 6 weeks
0.125 mg anastrozole three times per week during both hCG and enclomiphene
Stop everything, followup labs with CBC, TT, FT E2, LH, SHBG, PRL
I wanted to see if i could recover without the serm/AI. Seemed to recover reasonably well even after years of shutdown. Nothing special about the 4 weeks unless you are quitting high dose test. To @mnben87 's point you are pyramiding down and back down to 150 mg/week by week 13.
HCG helps the first few weeks and hope the next 6 to 8 are not as castrate feeling as mine were. Give it time.