Ok gents, I have been using this site for a few years now…quietly watching and learning as much as possible. I’ve been to the darkside a couple of times. First time on EQ and Test, of course following the PCT to the letter…good gains, went from 155 to 170. Next following some advice went Deca and T3… now up to 185 (BTW deca dick sucks and thanks to EQ I found my feminine side). Now a little older I would like some experienced guidance…So here’s my stats
28, 5’7" 185 12% (on a good day) Training for 10 years
Goals: 190-95, 5-7% with good retention.
So questions as follows:
1.) Are there any benifits to stacking Deca and EQ? (Other than being bloated and crying at the same time.)
2.) Cycles have changed alot in the past few years…is frontloading the way to go on both EQ and Deca. (Yes I read the half-life article, I guess I’m just slow)
3.) Whats the take on Kynoselen…I’ve read the articles just haven’t seen anybody use it yet…maybe a substitute for Winnie?
4.) How in the hell do you figure out a concentration of AS…say I have a 1ml bottle of EQ 50mg, or is it brand specific also?
So here’s what the kid has…
10,000 mg Deca /100mg viles
3-50mg /1mL bottles EQ
4-50 pack 50mcg ea. T3
3-50mg Kynoseen…
unknown amount of Test P…hasn’t got here yet.
I’ve racked my brain debating which way to go, and since I’ve never heard of any benifits of stacking EQ and Deca…well I’m just unsure. Anyway parting thought…just looking to add 10-15, lean muscle mass and looking to hang on to it afterwards. I appreciate any and all responses…and I take no offense to criticism…mama raised me right. Later and thanks.