What advice did I give besides say what has worked for me and others? Yeah hitting 3 plates on the bench makes me a real noob, easily achievable in a couple months. Shooting a g of test a week doesn’t make you some kind of expert bro, especially not when it comes to people who train naturally.
[quote]willden wrote:
What advice did I give besides say what has worked for me and others? Yeah hitting 3 plates on the bench makes me a real noob, easily achievable in a couple months. Shooting a g of test a week doesn’t make you some kind of expert bro, especially not when it comes to people who train naturally.[/quote]
i highly doubt that any natural lifter can make gains lifting 7 days a week while dieting lmao… it’s hard enough to do that assisted… as in VERY hard
post a link to a video of you hitting 3 plates, otherwise you’re just writing numbers… anyone can write numbers lol
i never said that shooting a gram of test a week makes me an expert, don’t be an idiot.
I already posted my pic, if you think its unthinkable my “newb” frame can hit that then so be it. I’m not about to look like a douchebag in the gym setting up videos to feed a troll who doesn’t even post his own pic.
But as for the original debate
This guys is having success after 20 years guess its newb gains
and him
What exactly is the problem with push/pull/legs repeat exactly? The broscience thats your CNS is burnt out?
I been doing 1 or 2 pulse fasts a week and dropped about 10lbs while gaining a little bit of strength.
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
[quote]willden wrote:
What advice did I give besides say what has worked for me and others? Yeah hitting 3 plates on the bench makes me a real noob, easily achievable in a couple months. Shooting a g of test a week doesn’t make you some kind of expert bro, especially not when it comes to people who train naturally.[/quote]
i highly doubt that any natural lifter can make gains lifting 7 days a week while dieting lmao… it’s hard enough to do that assisted… as in VERY hard
post a link to a video of you hitting 3 plates, otherwise you’re just writing numbers… anyone can write numbers lol
i never said that shooting a gram of test a week makes me an expert, don’t be an idiot.
This is T-Nation everybody and there mom puts up 315 for reps.
Also inb4 people saying “AHUEHUHUEHE 315 is nothing I did that after a year of training.”
[quote]willden wrote:
I already posted my pic, if you think its unthinkable my “newb” frame can hit that then so be it. I’m not about to look like a douchebag in the gym setting up videos to feed a troll who doesn’t even post his own pic.
But as for the original debate
This guys is having success after 20 years guess its newb gains
and him
What exactly is the problem with push/pull/legs repeat exactly? The broscience thats your CNS is burnt out?
I been doing 1 or 2 pulse fasts a week and dropped about 10lbs while gaining a little bit of strength.[/quote]
lol i knew u wouldnt put up a video… pussyboy
as for the guy who has been training for 20 years… that’s irrelevent to the OP’s situation… because he’s a noob… the guy who has been training for 20 years has enormous work capacity, therefore he may be able to benefit from 7/day a week trainiing, but it’s still not optimal imo.
as for the other guy, whenever someone has their face blotted out, that screams PED’s… just sayin’
are you trying to be a dumbass pussyboy? (that’s your new name btw)
I can’t put up 315 =(
[quote]DAVE101 wrote:
I can’t put up 315 =([/quote]
dont trip, pussyboy can’t either
and anyways, like i said… im confident that the word “training” means a totally different thing to me than it does to most here…
so yes, Op and other naturals might be able to “train” (by pussyboy’s standards) for 7 days a week, but by my standards? ha… shit
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
anyways, who is that girl in your pic?[/quote]
I didn’t get this at first but god damn I loled when I did
I’m fat and out of shape and train consistently probably 3 months a year, and I can hit three plates on a bad day at 195lbs bw. youtube me. I train at home, so I don’t feel ghey whipping out the camera.
Even if you can train hard 7 days a week I’m sure you’d still benefit from backing down from 7 days to 4 or 5 and using that work capacity toward increased intensity. The added recovery is a plus too.
[quote]bbrock171 wrote:
I’m fat and out of shape and train consistently probably 3 months a year, and I can hit three plates on a bad day at 195lbs bw. youtube me. I train at home, so I don’t feel ghey whipping out the camera.
Even if you can train hard 7 days a week I’m sure you’d still benefit from backing down from 7 days to 4 or 5 and using that work capacity toward increased intensity. The added recovery is a plus too. [/quote]
post a video here? this thread needs a video of Somebody stepping up to the plate
What’s the benefit of having low fats like fifteen percent instead of low carbs?
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
post a video here? this thread needs a video of Somebody stepping up to the plate[/quote]
Don’t have a bench press vid up, but I can probably shoot one this week. Here is a 245 pp that should suffice 245lb Push Press - YouTube and here is a 405lb squat 405lb Squat - YouTube. I usually shoot videos for form critique since I train alone, so the rare occasion I get to go heavy on bench I have a spot for that.
well i know i dont speak for everyone but i dont believe that a push press really means anything when it comes to the bench press because PP is a lot of technique/momentum etc… u cant leg drive on a bodybuilding-style bench press…
[quote]chobbs wrote:
What’s the benefit of having low fats like fifteen percent instead of low carbs?
A couple things, but here is an oversimplified version: 9 calories per gram in fat compared to 4 calories per gram in carbs; carbs can convert to glycogen rather easily, driving sarcoplasmic hypertrophy; they increase insulin levels which helps get nutrients into your muscles, especially immediately after a workout; trying to fuel high intensity anaerobic training with fat instead of carbs is inefficient, read: lower performance; fat has insulin-independent ways of being stored, and doesn’t require conversion prior to being stored, anytime one macronutrient is converted to another by the body its an inefficient process. Read up on gluconeogenesis and you’ll see why very high amounts of protein still do not typically cause fat gain, usually the opposite due to glucagon response.
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
well i know i dont speak for everyone but i dont believe that a push press really means anything when it comes to the bench press because PP is a lot of technique/momentum etc… u cant leg drive on a bodybuilding-style bench press…[/quote]
Fair enough.
I’m not getting under the bar tonight, but I’ll see what I can do. I don’t bench BB style though. PL style, no shirt or wraps though. For what it’s worth I first hit 315 on bench YEARS before this 245 pp.
And why is there no one else posting a vid right now?? I know I’m not an impressive specimin, but not afraid to put myself out there.
Op you’d do well to listen to mr walkaway, he’s been giving solid advice around here fo awhile, as far as training 7 days a week it’s stupiid and counter produtive, I’ve been training clients for almost 20yrs, and your body needs down time to adapt and heal to the stress’s of a workout.
the fact that one guy has managed to get himself into halfased shape on 7day program means little, I’ve been smokeing for twenty years and have a 1500 total, so are we to conclude that if you start smokeing you’ll have same results, retarted arguement. the facts of the iron game for the last 50yrs stand for more than one op.
I generly start newbs off on somesort of 5x5 program, so they can learn solid form and progression of the basics, from there we’ll move to a 4 day split with three days rest, than depending on goals they go from here, i’ve been useing this for years with hundreds of kids, same process has been used sucessfully for generations. master the basics first, move forward from there, or listen to one outa shape OP . goodluck
I’m done getting into a pissing match w/ Walkway, but I will say I’ve shown people’s logs besides myself that it can be done. Not sure if its ideal or what, but if you’re hitting chest, legs, back, every 72 hours etc that’s about how much time your muscles need to recover. Also some people hit arms 3x a week in order to bring them up, it’s all about listening to how you feel.
I’m not sure if its ideal, obviously there are bigger people here than me, but my point is that it can be done.
Anyway even if you are training 7 days a week, you’ll definitely be taking days off now and then just due to life in general.
I appreciate everyone’s input here, and the (civilized) discussion, ha.
It’s one thing to think about this stuff, it’s another to talk to people who have really put it into practice, so thanks to all who’ve lended their input here.
OP it’s not that hard to work out 7 days a week (without heavy squatting or pulling or dieting) and get results.
You made great progress with 5X5 and although you didn’t get the physique you wanted you gained
a good amount of strength that you can use to really grow in the next 3 months.
Just use your intuition (you seem like an intelligent fellow).
something off the top of my head