You got some good advice 3 months ago: V Taper Training
I’ll repeat what I said then here, since this routine is more fluff and no substance: Only 17, 5’10" and a buck 55? You’re a string bean. This entire program is fluff exercises and missing the foundational movements to build serious mass at your age. I can see a pro BBer training like this AFTER decades of training the big movements. I think you’ll be very disappointed if you stick with this for an extended period of time. You may get a nice pump from time to time but won’t pack on nearly as much mass as you could.
You seem too stubborn to train the big foundational movements though and seem to be looking for an easy route using machines. You have 4 isolation movements for the bis, 3 for tris, and 3 for delts, but only one compound (if you can call leg press compound) for squat pattern. Your priorities are completely flipped my friend and you gotta put in the work if you’re serious about this.