I’ve been lurking quite a bit and it seems the experts are abound here. Here is my saga, any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Age 31
I’ve trained off and on. I’ve been stress eating the past 6 months and packed on the pounds…current 195 at 5’8.5"
I was always chubby growing up and was not active (thanks to computers)
Anyway…my first test results were:
T-Total: 443 nd/dL
T-Free 11.8 pg/mL
I started seeing a quack naturpath who started me on just 150mg weekly of test cypionate.
Then I started doing my own research, found this site, etc.
I have a followup panel done, this time with estrogen and other stuff measured:
Thyroid is fine
Estradiol 32.9 pg/mL
Test-Total 753 ng/dL
My achy shrinking balls got me concerned and doing more research. The NMD wasn’t any help when I pitched the idea of hcg and arimidex, so I kept looking. I found a company that refers you to a local doc and offers this regimen (at “compounding pharmacy” prices of course).
My primary concerns (other than getting my fat ass away from the syndrome-x line) is maintaining my fertility and keeping that libido up (and keeping my balls healthy, large, and ready for action hehe). I started looking at TRT because my libido took a shit after I started taking Zoloft (which I don’t think I’ll be able to go off).
T-Injection (twice weekly)
HCG injections
Clomid capsules
Anastrazol 0.25 mg
All totaled I think after the initial doc visit it’s about $300+ a month, dunno if that is average or not, but again, they hook you into using their pharmacy.
Thoughts? Am I on the right path?