New to Cutting Cycles. Need Help

hello everyone
I�??m starting a cutting cycle for the first time. I need a few answers from more experienced users.
I�??m thinking of stacking a low dose of enanthate with trenbolone. What else would be a good cutter to take with these over 12 or so weeks? I don�??t want to put on much mass, I just want to get very lean and ripped.

Also, when I was on a mass cycle I mixed the bulking steroids together in the same syringe. I was told to not do this with cutting gear. Is that true? Can I put them all together? Sorry for the lame questions but I want to get it right.

Cheers for any replys.

You can use primo.
I like it.

I never used tren… my “best” cut cycle was a 12weeks of:
test e (400mg/week)
mast e (400mg/week)
primo (400mg/week)

nice stack :slight_smile: good fat recuction, nice strenght up, no bad sides…

However, as you know for sure, diet is the key… AAS just help a lot but nutrition plan is the real cutting cycle :wink:

And… yes you can mix cutting gear in the same syringe

Best advice I can give for a cutting cycle is to keep your Protien intake high, and everything else low. You can cut your calories/carbs/fat down far lower when “on” and not lose any muscle…unless your way above your natural limit.

As for gear, I like to stick with things that don’t bloat me out. Primo, Var, Mast e, etc.

Tren is good too, but it can slow down your thyroid. It does for me. I found that the best way to get lean with tren is to eat more (but very clean) and mix it with some test.

I think it’s best to stick with mild steroids while cutting. Save the big boys for big time mass gain cycles! It is very difficult to lose muscle when cutting with AAS if your diet is good. To be honest even a var only or tbol only cycle is fine for a cutting cycle in my opinion. Do something like the Get Shredded diet by Berardi. In 6 weeks, you will be pretty damn ripped, and will have lost zero muscle.

I think the 6 week statement is obviously highly subject to how much bodyfat the person has to begin with. Obviously a guy at 20% bodyfat will NOT be “shredded” after 6 weeks.

Also, the Get Shredded diet will result in muscle loss, just not much of it. It is a misconception to think that AAS will be the save-all when it comes to not losing muscle during dieting.

That being said, OP, you have to realize that your diet is far, far more important for you losing fat than how much or what kind of AAS you’re using. You can be running the best cycle ever designed, but you won’t lose a single pound if your diet is crap.

Also, I disagree with the idea of making most of your consumed calories protein. All this will do is make the body adapted to using protein as a fuel, therefore rather than the protein being used to replenish and refuel muscle, it will be burned off as energy. I would rather a low-carb diet following a 40/55/5 percentage of Protein/Fat/Carb (but realistically as low in carb as possible) with a 6th day carb refeed at 0.5g of carbs per pound of body weight.