I saw that. Cool feature.
May require more fine-tuning.
My training log said the following:
In a thread discussing “Masculine Excellence Requires Discipline,” Andrewgen_Receptors shares his extensive fitness journey, including personal growth, workout routines, and nutrition changes over time. He describes a 12-year fitness background involving periods of serious dedication and experimentation with supplements. His current goals are to achieve and maintain a sustainable level of lean muscle with visible abs while not sacrificing muscle mass. His routine includes push/pull/legs workouts with moderate cardio, and he tracks diet meticulously, aiming for a calorie deficit to lose body fat (Andrewgen_Receptors).
Andrewgen_Receptors details his participation and eventual withdrawal from the Surge Challenge, citing equipment difficulties and a lack of expected results compared to other training methods (#443, #458). He emphasizes the gym as both a priority and therapy, contributing to his mental well-being (#458).
In subsequent updates, Andrewgen_Receptors documents various training sessions, changes in weight, and adjustments to his fitness goals. He includes logs of his progress, lifting achievements, and ongoing commitment to fitness despite challenges like illness or lack of equipment (#602, #918, #1319).
He steps away from forums at times to focus on personal life improvements and responsibilities, such as family and work, while continuously prioritizing being a better husband and father (#947). His fitness philosophy incorporates insights gained through his experiences, such as rejecting complacency to embrace challenges and using setbacks as stepping stones for personal growth (#972, #1153).
Overall, Andrewgen_Receptors maintains accountability through detailed logs and reflection on his training, emphasizing discipline as a key to achieving masculine excellence, aligning his physical goals with his evolving personal ideals (#1616). Despite setbacks, he remains committed to his fitness journey, adapting his approach as necessary while pursuing a balance between discipline and personal happiness (#1486, #1826).
Which is honestly pretty solid, except that in the beginning it says “he describes a 12-year fitness background”.
When my training log was first started, this was accurate, but now that my training log is some 3+ years old, its not.
9.5/10 on the application of this feature.
If small nuances like I described above are too difficult to engineer into your prompts - I’d leave it as it is.
I really like the feature, tbh.