I recently started listening to Slayer again during lifting. I hadn’t listened to them in a while(probably 15 yrs). Now the new record is out, WITH the old drummer. I’m blown away that they are still this heavy, at like 40+ years old.
Just wanted to share. This is great lifting music.

I just got it yesterday, damn good cd. Nothing new but no one can ever say they “sold out”.

SLAYER is my favorite for training and overall my favorite band ever. I’ve seen them a few times and they will have you begging for mercy as the pit works itself into a frenzy. The drummer is Dave Lombardo (sp?) and has another band called Grip Inc. that can lay the smack down also…check them out.

I’ve been a big Slayer fan for some time now. I listened to some of their new tracks on Napster and they sound no different. I love their aggressive sound, but I am wrestling with the content of the lyrics.

I’m curious though to people that are more “in the know” than myself: They have some very anti-Christianity lyrics on their new album (not that they were shiny happy songs before), but I’m wondering…is this whole “devil thing” just schtick, or are they really into Satanism/the occult?

It’s exactly what you’d expect from Slayer.

Good solid metal.

[quote]El Conquistador wrote:
I’ve been a big Slayer fan for some time now. I listened to some of their new tracks on Napster and they sound no different. I love their aggressive sound, but I am wrestling with the content of the lyrics.

I’m curious though to people that are more “in the know” than myself: They have some very anti-Christianity lyrics on their new album (not that they were shiny happy songs before), but I’m wondering…is this whole “devil thing” just schtick, or are they really into Satanism/the occult?

Heavy metal bands writing lyrics against religion is kinda like rappers rapping about being gangsters. It’s pretty much “expected” in that musical genre. Event those who don’t target religion in particular will generally have songs denoucing all other forms of authority, such as government, educators, police and, of course, your parents.

I don’t think that they take the whole “devil worship” thing seriously; but they do seem (or at least Tom Arraya, who writes most of the lyrics) seems to have some morbid fascination with all subjects related to pain, suffering and death. Hence the songs about war, serial killers, Auschwitz, etc.

[quote]El Conquistador wrote:
I’ve been a big Slayer fan for some time now. I listened to some of their new tracks on Napster and they sound no different. I love their aggressive sound, but I am wrestling with the content of the lyrics.

I’m curious though to people that are more “in the know” than myself: They have some very anti-Christianity lyrics on their new album (not that they were shiny happy songs before), but I’m wondering…is this whole “devil thing” just schtick, or are they really into Satanism/the occult?

It is just “schtick”. I read an interview with Araya recently and he was asked about that. He said something to the effect that it’s all crap, they’re just writing songs and no one should take it seriously. I’ll try to find the article.

Toms wife is catholic and his kids go to a catholic school. As for king… I think he doesnt care for religon.

The new album blows, just like all their old albums. At least the new Agalloch is amazing, I recommend you that and Ihsahn’s new album, The Adversary,is also a master piece.

[quote]and1bball4mk wrote:
The new album blows, just like all their old albums. At least the new Agalloch is amazing, I recommend you that and Ihsahn’s new album, The Adversary,is also a master piece.[/quote]

Good job gay-rod, you were probably surprized to see a pop-star was gay, seemingly how you are so far in the closet. If you say you like another music, cool, but dis Slayer and you put that big f*$cking rainbow right on your chest. At least it will look good on you while doing yoga.

But if you really want some good music, try; Chimaira, Fear Factory, Killswitch Engage, old Metallica, Pantera, Sepultura, Nothingface, Trivium, and use some Tool to cool down- No, not that tool.

Sorry, gotta stick up for the boys. Lift hard and get pissed!

[quote]bdfrogs wrote:
and1bball4mk wrote:
The new album blows, just like all their old albums. At least the new Agalloch is amazing, I recommend you that and Ihsahn’s new album, The Adversary,is also a master piece.

Good job gay-rod, you were probably surprized to see a pop-star was gay, seemingly how you are so far in the closet. If you say you like another music, cool, but dis Slayer and you put that big f*$cking rainbow right on your chest. At least it will look good on you while doing yoga.

But if you really want some good music, try; Chimaira, Fear Factory, Killswitch Engage, old Metallica, Pantera, Sepultura, Nothingface, Trivium, and use some Tool to cool down- No, not that tool.

Sorry, gotta stick up for the boys. Lift hard and get pissed![/quote]

Great job gayrod. Half the shit you listed is metalcore,not even metal. Agalloch is death metal and Ihsahn’s new album has influences from many genres but Black metal is his main influence. Know what the fuck your talking about before you post. The difference between my post and yours is that I have actually heard their stuff and it does suck, meanwhile you never even heard of Agalloch or Ihsahn.

[quote]El Conquistador wrote:
I’ve been a big Slayer fan for some time now. I listened to some of their new tracks on Napster and they sound no different. I love their aggressive sound, but I am wrestling with the content of the lyrics.

I’m curious though to people that are more “in the know” than myself: They have some very anti-Christianity lyrics on their new album (not that they were shiny happy songs before), but I’m wondering…is this whole “devil thing” just schtick, or are they really into Satanism/the occult?

Like the others guys said, I think it’s just schtick. I’m a Christian and love Slayer, and while I occasionally stop myself if I’m mouthing certain lyrics, I think it’s mostly just thematic stuff to tie into their morbid fascinations with war and violence, etc. Some metal bands (some black metal, Deicide) are for real with that shit though.

[quote]GDollars37 wrote:
El Conquistador wrote:
I’ve been a big Slayer fan for some time now. I listened to some of their new tracks on Napster and they sound no different. I love their aggressive sound, but I am wrestling with the content of the lyrics.

I’m curious though to people that are more “in the know” than myself: They have some very anti-Christianity lyrics on their new album (not that they were shiny happy songs before), but I’m wondering…is this whole “devil thing” just schtick, or are they really into Satanism/the occult?

Like the others guys said, I think it’s just schtick. I’m a Christian and love Slayer, and while I occasionally stop myself if I’m mouthing certain lyrics, I think it’s mostly just thematic stuff to tie into their morbid fascinations with war and violence, etc. Some metal bands (some black metal, Deicide) are for real with that shit though.[/quote]

Most of them are practicing christians, but yeah most black metal is satanistic, anti-christian and pagen.

[quote]and1bball4mk wrote:
Great job gayrod. Half the shit you listed is metalcore,not even metal. Agalloch is death metal and Ihsahn’s new album has influences from many genres but Black metal is his main influence. Know what the fuck your talking about before you post. The difference between my post and yours is that I have actually heard their stuff and it does suck, meanwhile you never even heard of Agalloch or Ihsahn.[/quote]

Sorry to break it to you, but metal is metal. This whole metalcore/death/black/hoobalabooza metal is ridiculous. Slayer is Slayer-metal, Agalloch is Agalloch-metal. They may be influenced by other bands’ music, but they make their own sound. This whole categorizing shit is dumb as hell, it won’t make you a connoisseur in the genre just because you’re able to say so or so band makes this or that kind of music.

And I’ve found that alot of metal listeners are the worst about this; they care more about classifying the bands they listen to than enjoying the music. Even worse, these are the kind that will go to shows and only stand there criticizing them instead of having fun bumping into each other or whatever.

But what do I know about music, I couldn’t tell death metal from black metal or house from trance.

[quote]daraz wrote:
and1bball4mk wrote:
Great job gayrod. Half the shit you listed is metalcore,not even metal. Agalloch is death metal and Ihsahn’s new album has influences from many genres but Black metal is his main influence. Know what the fuck your talking about before you post. The difference between my post and yours is that I have actually heard their stuff and it does suck, meanwhile you never even heard of Agalloch or Ihsahn.

Sorry to break it to you, but metal is metal. This whole metalcore/death/black/hoobalabooza metal is ridiculous. Slayer is Slayer-metal, Agalloch is Agalloch-metal. They may be influenced by other bands’ music, but they make their own sound. This whole categorizing shit is dumb as hell, it won’t make you a connoisseur in the genre just because you’re able to say so or so band makes this or that kind of music.

And I’ve found that alot of metal listeners are the worst about this; they care more about classifying the bands they listen to than enjoying the music. Even worse, these are the kind that will go to shows and only stand there criticizing them instead of having fun bumping into each other or whatever.

But what do I know about music, I couldn’t tell death metal from black metal or house from trance.[/quote]

Sorry to break it to you, but sub genres exist, and it’s not in just metal.

Agalloch= Death
Slayer= Thrash

The differences between these bands is very noticible and it would be just plain dumb to call them the same.

Not going to get the new album, King said they will re-release it end of year in DigiPak format with extra songs. Of course they need to milk more money from the fans.

They’re still all metal…

And just because you listen to bands that no one else listens to it doesn’t suddenly make you super hardcore or anything.

I’m a small 15 year old, I know I’m not hardcore, all I did was recommend you guys better albums, and plenty of people have heard of Agalloch. It still metal but it’s still different and thus there are sub genres. I myself like death and black and dislike thrash, so when asking for recommendations, I ask for death or black and not thrash.

But you weren’t just recommending Aggolah and Isnahn, or whatever the names were, you also bashed Slayer with no explanation besides “I don’t like thrash”. And like someone else said, just because no one but you listens to the band besides you, it doesn’t make it hardcore, it actually most likely means it sucks.

[quote]and1bball4mk wrote:
I’m a small 15 year old, I know I’m not hardcore, all I did was recommend you guys better albums, and plenty of people have heard of Agalloch. It still metal but it’s still different and thus there are sub genres. I myself like death and black and dislike thrash, so when asking for recommendations, I ask for death or black and not thrash. [/quote]

Suddenly it all make sense…