New Plan with Less Volume. Will I Lose Muscle?

I took a moment to look at @geoff_t 's other posts/threads to get an idea of his perspective.

All I gotta say to him is “Please stay in your lane”. Novices giving other novices advice is dangerous, even if it does mean well.

That being said, I’m with @kd13 on this. This kid is way too small to be cutting.


Seek the aid of a trained therapist. Anxiety and phobias are disorders and require treatment. Fix your mind before your body.

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Work on your upper and mid back (lots of pulling/rows).

Your chest looks sunken because everything is getting pulled in by what pects you do have. Get your back stronger and your shoulders and chest will square up.


When I was in HS people use to say Curls for the girls.

Today at the hotel gym I literally heard these college kids say “Rows for the hoes”.

How times have changed!


Maybe the “bench press your way to glory” days are fading?

I say “Rows for the does” because it’s less objectifying and has a more hunter/gatherer vibe

Kid needs to go on a cut like I need penis reduction.