New Partner, More Consitency

Well I have been reading T-Nation for a long time but never really got into it. I never did read the over 35 log but now that bulldog has got me reading over here I am likeing the place so I thought I would start a log too.

I am a deputy for my local sheriffs department and my goals are really non existent. I don’t wont to be huge or overly strong. I generally want to stay or become athletic so that I can over come most if not all physical confrontations. I don’t run from confrontation in my line of work but if that time comes I want to be able to run like the wind. I have no aspirations of being great at anything other than a small town cop which requires more intellect than most think.

I train with cage fighters to help with my athleticism. I lift to make up for what I lack in skill and I eat and drink because,well, I love food. All of these things have kept my cholesterol in check which is important to me because my grandfather died at 48 from heart disease and my dad came close around the same age.

I have lots of things more important than lifting. My wife, kids, and work all take priority and it now all falls in place where it belongs; which has reduced the stress I was creating when I had a preset goal of weight that I needed to lift.

I have read tons on the subject of strength and size and figured out that the only thing that will make me big and strong is LOTS of time under the bar on a consistent basis (read like 10 years) and if I stress about every little thing I wont make it.

did not really feel like working out to day but got after it anyways… i realized how depressing it is to acheive something and lose it. I stopped working out 6 months ago and the weights I am using now are lighter

5 min warm up on treadmill
Squat warm up 45x10,95x8,135x5,175x3,
75% x5 202.5 5
80%x5 217.5 5
85% x 5 or more 230 8

stiff leg dead lift 3x10/15 115 12…12â?¦12
then liss on treadmill 4.5 incline at 3.5 mph for 30 mins


liss 4.5 incline 3.5 mph 30 mins


Military Press barx10,65x8,85x5,
80% x3 110 3
85% x 3 115 3
90% x 3 122.5 7
flat bench press 3 x 10 150 10,10,10
Bent over rows 3 x10 140 10,10,10
triceps puchdowns 3 x 10 52 10/10,10

liss trewadmill 30 mins 4.5 in 3.5 mph

legs and lower back still super sore from squating tuesday but this work out turned out better than I thought it would


1.5 mi run treadmill .5 incline 12:50 changed speeds every 2:30 for the first 10 mins 6.5, 6.7, 7.0, 7.2 then 7.5 for 2 mins and then 8.5 till done…


Dead lift warm up 135/10…135/8… 185/5â?¦225/3
80% x3 252.5 3
85% x 3 270 3
90% x 3 or more 285 8

front squat 115 10…12… 120/10
rope cable curls 55 10…10…10
dumbell side bends 3 x10 /15 45 15…15…15

liss 4.5/3.5 30 mins

Today, 09:36 AM #36
Nice day outside so I went for a road run nice hillly road 2.2 miles 19:44 was hopping the distance was going to be further but not bad considering the hills

Some of my recent work outs. I stopped workingout last october due to a groin injury and then the police acedemy. My old maxes were 250 bench 350 squat and 405 deadlift I hope to get back to that soon but plan on taking my time

welcome damutt!

do it right and stay injury free! can’t tussle with the big dogs with a pulled groin

Bench press warm up bar x10,95x10,135x8 155x5
80% x3 180 3
85% x 3 192.5 3
90% x 3 or more 202.5 7

barbell Incline 3x10/15 145 8…8…7
“4 sets to failure” b/w 5,.3…3…3.,

smith machine pull ups feet elevated b/w 8…8./8
close grip bench 3 x10/15 135 12…/12…/10
liss 4.5 in 3.5 mph 30 mins

weights felt really heavy today but we got through it. I am going to work up to 4 sets of 5 b/w pull ups and then add weight thought I would add the inverted pull ups/ smith pulls ups to get some reps in

im really hoping that increasing my incline bench and military press will carry over to my bench as it seems I am weak in both these lifts

[quote]soldog wrote:
welcome damutt!

do it right and stay injury free! can’t tussle with the big dogs with a pulled groin[/quote]

Yeah it still bothers me from time to time but I trhy to keep it streched out and stop when it gets to bad. Im in no hurry to get where ever it is that Im going in this crazy heavy iron world

Good work in here. And welcome aboard.

OH MY GOD!!!I have a STALKER!!!Was that you outside my window last night?

well I pounded the snooze button for 3 hours this morning and did nothing today… thats ok though cause it was just a cardio day anyway… got 11 hours of sleep sorry bulldog…will probably do some rack chins or what ever they are call tommorrow and walk and then that will be it till tuesday…

Looking good! We all need to sleep a little extra once in while.

[quote]damutt wrote:
well I pounded the snooze button for 3 hours this morning and did nothing today… thats ok though cause it was just a cardio day anyway… got 11 hours of sleep sorry bulldog…will probably do some rack chins or what ever they are call tommorrow and walk and then that will be it till tuesday…[/quote]

What type of lazy bastard sleeps 11 hours.Thanks for rubbing it in my face.

Did a little yesterday. 3x8 smith machine pull ups body weight, 3x10 tricep push down 55 Lbs and 2 sets of 25 machine chest flies for fun 55 lbs

treadmill 1 mile .5 incline 7:55 min total I started at 6.7 mph and added every .2 every minute till the last 2 mins and then I went all out and ended at 9. I really hate running but I am getting much better at it and it is very important to my overall goals.

didnt lift during the heat of the day so I did it at 11 pm after I got off work. The squats felt heavy as hell but after I got done I got a little pissed at myself for being a pussy and beat the hell out of my self on stiff leg deads.

warm up bar x10, 95x10, 135x8, 185x5,

work sets
245x8 that for sure is a rep p/r when if was lifting weights above this it was all 5x5 and my best was 265x5x5 so I still should have more in me but this is a repxweight pr. I noticed that my right knee comes in when I am coming out of the hole I am assuming that this is because of weak hips.
stiff leg deads
definetly going to start out at 175 and do 3 set of 10 next time and then go up from there. I hope that this will carryover to my dead and squat.
bicep straight bar curl
3x10 75lbs
sit ups hand behind head 40,20

Man working out at 11:00 PM thats tough! Getting oout of the car would feel heavy…

today was a run day… treadmill weight loss level 8 20 mins… it is a 4 min warm up 4 min coold down with 3 4 min cycles of 5.5 mph @3.0 incline, 6.0 mph @ 3.0, 6.5 mph @ 2.5, 7.0 mph @ 2.0, and then 7.5 @ 2.0 all for 30 seconds a peice. when you reach the top you work your way back to the slow speed and start over. Its really taxing and gets my heart rate up real good.

legs were a little tight from the stiff legs but all in all not as bad as I thought

Good well rounded workouts. Mixing the lifting with the cardio. Saw on another thread your trying to keep your waist in AF standards.

yeah 10 years active and 4 years reserves… Gave it all up so I could put 100% in to being a cop. sort of a protect and serve near and far thing…

mid cycle delaod is what I am calling this. work has been busy and I have just felt real tired lately so I skipped thursday’s workout, dropped all cardio and will pick it back up on monday.

I figure its taken me 33 years to get where I am 4 days wont kill it.

[quote]damutt wrote:
mid cycle delaod is what I am calling this. work has been busy and I have just felt real tired lately so I skipped thursday’s workout, dropped all cardio and will pick it back up on monday.

I figure its taken me 33 years to get where I am 4 days wont kill it.[/quote]

I think sometimes thats best . I almost did that this week…damn heat/humidity screws me up something fierce . my gym is in the basement of a YMCA…and air conditioned ! Im a lucky bastard in that regard .

Military Press
warm up bar x 10x2, 65x8,75x5,
75% x 5 102.5 5
85% x 3 115 3
95% x 1 or more 130 7 160.303 pretty sure this is a pr

flat bench press 3 x 10 160 10,10,11
Bent over rows 3 x 8/10 150 10,10,10
triceps puchdowns 3 x 8/10 55 10,10,10

3x5 weighted rack chins 25 5,5,5

Wasnt super motivated today but went out and got it done anyway. Ended up being a good day under the bar and did more than I thought I was going to do.