Well I have been reading T-Nation for a long time but never really got into it. I never did read the over 35 log but now that bulldog has got me reading over here I am likeing the place so I thought I would start a log too.
I am a deputy for my local sheriffs department and my goals are really non existent. I don’t wont to be huge or overly strong. I generally want to stay or become athletic so that I can over come most if not all physical confrontations. I don’t run from confrontation in my line of work but if that time comes I want to be able to run like the wind. I have no aspirations of being great at anything other than a small town cop which requires more intellect than most think.
I train with cage fighters to help with my athleticism. I lift to make up for what I lack in skill and I eat and drink because,well, I love food. All of these things have kept my cholesterol in check which is important to me because my grandfather died at 48 from heart disease and my dad came close around the same age.
I have lots of things more important than lifting. My wife, kids, and work all take priority and it now all falls in place where it belongs; which has reduced the stress I was creating when I had a preset goal of weight that I needed to lift.
I have read tons on the subject of strength and size and figured out that the only thing that will make me big and strong is LOTS of time under the bar on a consistent basis (read like 10 years) and if I stress about every little thing I wont make it.