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Hypnotherapy is strange…

I went… we chatted… I got hypnotised.

Two hours later I paid my money and went home. I normally light up when I start the car… I thought I would have a cigarette… but realized that I didn’t smoke… I still haven’t had a single cigarette or even a craving to have a smoke. Every situation in the last two days which I would normally smoke has passed with a ‘I’ll have a cigarette… but hold on, I don’t smoke’ moment.

I will admit to feeling a bit ill at the moment but not sick ill. I have upset stomach, but not nausea, I have plenty of energy and a truckful of apathy.

My guess is that this is my body saying… ‘wtf is going on?.. 2 days ago you were pumping in nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide , benzine and a van load of other toxins and now all you are breathing in is air.’

I don’t feel like I’m withdrawing but my guess is that I am but my mind has been reprogrammed so as to ignore it to prevent me reverting to the cigarettes. I wonder how long it will be before I stabilize?

The end result is one that I can recommend. If you WANT to stop smoking ( really want) then hypnotherapy is a very easy option. No withdrawal symptoms, no cravings. I stopped dead after smoking for 20 years at least a pack a day and do not miss it one bit.

another update…

5 days without a smoke… and i spent the day in hospital. quiting has induced gastritus… (basically a gastric infection). Should clear up in a few days according to the doc.

They ran every other test they could think of. I had a chest x-ray, liver function, renal tests, blood pressure, blood sugar…

everything came back clear with my blood sugar and blood pressure coming back with perfect results…

so it looks like i’m well on track to lose more weight and start to build up a bit. also been offered life membership at a gym via work. Going to check it out in the morning and see what the weight room is like.

A much needed update to the thread…

Stopped smoking on valentines day as mentioned… not had a single smoke since then to now. No urges or desire to smoke either.

My weight is pretty static though, been eating clean but not dropping bodyweight. My scales still read aproximately 30% bf. (pinch of salt I know, they are not 100% accurate)

Saying that though, last week I managed to comfortably fit into a pair of jeans with a 36" waist. When I started all this fitness/weights thing 6 months ago my waist was 42". Not a bad shift of fat even if I say so myself. I have dropped by 30lbs but still weigh in at 197lbs which for a short guy (5ft 8in.) is still quite a bit too high. At least I’m not considered morbidly obese any more, just obese…

I saw the specialist today regarding my knee… no cartilage tears, just a touch of arthritis. That he says will only get worse as I get older, eventually requiring a knee replacement.

About 6 weeks ago I did have a spell in hospital after a fall… I had a suspected fractured spine and they had me strapped to the bed for 3 days until the second set of x-rays confirmed that it was only bruising.

As soon as they released me I was itching to get back in the gym… damn, this weight lifting is addictive. It took a week of nsai’s and some good painkillers before I could lift 75% of what I was doing before the fall.

Just started a course of HOT-ROX Extreme today, lets see if I can break this weight plateau.

Sorry guys for rambling on… So much news, so little brain power…

Since your knees aren’t in tip top shape.

Definately recommend you get Flameout - awesome for inflammation, joint pain, aches, tendinitis etc.

Elliptical machine, or similar types for cardio, swimming, rowing, and hmm cycling ~ or if you have a heavy bag, hundreds of punches thrown is good cardio too.

Good rambling, congratulations on sticking to your new lifestyle :slight_smile:

Slamdog, most of your results are going to come from your diet. It sounds like you’ve made a lot of positive changes already.

The only way I can think of that you’ll be able to follow your diet is to use your 4 days to prepare food for when you are driving. It doesn’t take any longer to cook one chicken breast than it does to cook 8. If you’re making oatmeal, don’t make a single serving. Make 6! The same holds true for everything you eat, whether it’s chili or a pot roast or shrimp or eggs.

As a bare minimum and as the foundation of anything you do,I’d like to see you getting your body weight in protein (pounds, not stones or kilograms) and an appropriate amount of GOOD fat. In other words, if you are 224 pounds, then you would need 224 grams of protein per day, divided (roughly) equally between the 5 or 6 meals you eat every day.

And don’t worry … you won’t be eating more. You’ll just be dividing up what you do eat a little better, so that you’re eating about every 3 hours. A meal doesn’t have to be a huge affair. It can be some beef jerky and almonds or it could be some deli meat and an apple or a protein drink or some hard boiled eggs. So a “meal” is really just a snack-sized eating opportunity. (grin)

If you’d like to see how I go about helping someone design a diet, check out

Anyway, all of that aside, I wanted to congratulate you on quitting smoking. I can’t think of a more profoundly positive thing you could have done for your health!!!

[quote]kinein wrote:
Since your knees aren’t in tip top shape.

Definately recommend you get Flameout - awesome for inflammation, joint pain, aches, tendinitis etc.

Elliptical machine, or similar types for cardio, swimming, rowing, and hmm cycling ~ or if you have a heavy bag, hundreds of punches thrown is good cardio too.

Good rambling, congratulations on sticking to your new lifestyle :slight_smile:


yes, have some on order from a uk retailer ( forgot to add it when I ordered from this site last week) but the price… hell, it will be worth it…

I have to admit… I hate cardio… as has been said before in various articles… cardio sucks ass… I tend to do 3 10 minute sessions of high intensity cardio, moving between cycle, elliptical trainer and rowing machine. One of those evils we all have to put up with.

[quote]Tampa-Terry wrote:
Slamdog, most of your results are going to come from your diet. It sounds like you’ve made a lot of positive changes already.

The only way I can think of that you’ll be able to follow your diet is to use your 4 days to prepare food for when you are driving. It doesn’t take any longer to cook one chicken breast than it does to cook 8. If you’re making oatmeal, don’t make a single serving. Make 6! The same holds true for everything you eat, whether it’s chili or a pot roast or shrimp or eggs.

As a bare minimum and as the foundation of anything you do,I’d like to see you getting your body weight in protein (pounds, not stones or kilograms) and an appropriate amount of GOOD fat. In other words, if you are 224 pounds, then you would need 224 grams of protein per day, divided (roughly) equally between the 5 or 6 meals you eat every day.

And don’t worry … you won’t be eating more. You’ll just be dividing up what you do eat a little better, so that you’re eating about every 3 hours. A meal doesn’t have to be a huge affair. It can be some beef jerky and almonds or it could be some deli meat and an apple or a protein drink or some hard boiled eggs. So a “meal” is really just a snack-sized eating opportunity. (grin)

If you’d like to see how I go about helping someone design a diet, check out

Anyway, all of that aside, I wanted to congratulate you on quitting smoking. I can’t think of a more profoundly positive thing you could have done for your health!!!

The one good thing about my job is that I am home every day. I don’t go out on the road (It is probably safer for everyone that way… :slight_smile: )

The diet thing is a bugbear though. I have used various calculations and my basic maintenance rate for calorie intake seems to be around the 1800 a day mark. As I’m looking to drop some of the whale blubber (ok, a LOT of whale blubber) still I reckon a deficit of 200 cals per day will be about right so as not to starve me and put me into shutdown.

Protein… definately, I am cramming in as much as 1g per 1lb bodyweight (currently around 198g per day) keeping the carb intake fairly low and eating far more fruit and vegetables that I ever used to. I also don’t seem to cheat on my diet, snacking tends to be on things like dried figs, blueberries and raisins. Just enough to take the edge off the desire to eat a full meal or go for the chocolate bars which I can honestly say I despise now with a vengence.

At easter my kids had chocolate eggs and they gave me a small piece… it felt and tasted like i was chewing on a block of lard (solid reformed meat fat). I was nearly sick it was that disgusting to my taste buds.

I also have a good friend at home…

George Foreman…

That giant grill of his is fantastic… I cook pretty much all my meats on that now, so much so that I almost told the wife to sell the stove until I remembered that I still needed to steam the vegetables (could use the microwave…hmm nuked food… nahhh).

I read an article on here a couple of days ago… mentioning toxic people. My wife is half toxic… she thinks I’m getting obsessed with the gym, weight loss food etc. but also understands the reasons behind it. We had a chat with our youngest daughter the other day. It was the pleas try and eat healthy food one. She is 7. She doesn’t eat many veg at all. She eats chocolate, cake, cookies, meat she is fine with.

I had to explain the downside of being fat. How as a kid I was called some pretty hurtful things at school. How I was not any good at sports because I couldn’t run or jump. How I wasn’t in the popular groups at high school cos I was a lardass. (Ok, I still got laid a lot because ‘I was a good listener’ according to a couple of girls and ‘they could empathise with me’. Jesus, was I a semi-gay back then? Almost sounds like I was a fag-hag…

The one thing I only did once at school was lose my temper… I got the red misty and nearly killed a kid who took the teasing a little too far… was suspended and sent for anger management therapy… strength wasn’t my problem back then.

Hey… I’m rambling again…

We will get her round to healthy stuff… probably my fault for not starting her sooner. Her elder sister is fine… tries anything we cook for her… she is 8… but the youngest… No Way Jose not yet at least.

Thanks for the link… it makes good reading. Thanks for the support… I really don’t understand why I didn’t stop smoking a long time ago… lazyness more than anything I suppose.

Now to get my gym bag ready… soon as I dump the kids at school across the road its out and working out today…

Great job! Very impressive progress so far.

I wouldn’t worry too much about how much body fat those scales say you have, they are total bunk.

[quote]graphicsMan wrote:
Great job! Very impressive progress so far.

I wouldn’t worry too much about how much body fat those scales say you have, they are total bunk.


I was thinking that. I have yet to see them go below 30%. Ever, except when my underweight wife stood on them. She is skin and bones, and guess what… 20% according to the scales. Medically she is about 14lbs underweight if the BMI chart is to be trusted. Saying that, it reckons I should be about 12 stone… 168lbs… Yeah right… not since I was 13 years old…

We shall see… I’m hoping to get to 180lbs as my next goal with a decrease in fat rather than LBM. All I can do to get there is eat clean and well, exercise and live live a damn site better than I have for the last 40 years…

haha, hate cardio too? yah, It’s easier now that I got a shuffle to randomly play tunes but even then -____-

Try to randomize it every 5/10/20 minutes. At my gym, I might do something like.

a lap on the indoor track upstairs, then jumpropes for 30 seconds, then go down the long flight of stairs, and sprint up them, then back onto the track - lap it again once, back to jumpropes, til i feel my food in my throat.

another way is farmer walks til failure, as fast as my feet can shuffle, upping the weight after pre-determined distances, if the gyms empty i do a circular speed shuffle, drop weights when grip gives, rest 10-15 seconds, pick up and finish the circuit, then grab heavier weight and continue.

just think of stuff that really kicks your butt that you wouldn’t do for more then 5/10/20 minutes, and be about it!

i have all sorts of evil methods on the elliptical, i’m thinking about recording a video so i can show people my evil 2nd wind trick. - keeps it fun - then again i consider deadlifting, good mornings, and other things of that nature fun.

o.O thibs toolbox is funtastical.

ok i’ll probably regret this but i found first a rare shirt off pic of me from 2002.

then i thought… what the hell lets show one of me today…

I know most of the hardcore guys will take the piss… someone will call greenpeace about the beached whale etc… but its me… almost all of me… my legs are covered still… and very hairy.

one other thing i havent mentioned yet is my brachycardia… i have a resting heartrate lower than most people. on a monitor my 24 hour trace shows it dropping to 33 beats per minute when i’m sleeping… I never knew for years till I had a hospital visit and it tripped the low level alarm on the monitor.

here is the today pic…

only a mobile phone piccy but it will give you guys the idea…

The difference is noticeable. Keep it up!

[quote]graphicsMan wrote:
The difference is noticeable. Keep it up![/quote]

self perception says otherwise but the small jeans and tape measure don’t lie…

thanks for the support!

Hi Slamdog. I am really impressed with your progress. Good luck in the future.

I noted that you said you have not smoked for a while, but I know also what an insidious addiction it is. I highly, highly recommend your reading Alan Carr’s book, Alan Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking. My dad was an extremely heavy smoker for 40 years. One read, and he was a non-smoker in short order.

I myself smoked for ten years, heavily, and quit because I had to make a choice between had exercise and this. However, I read the book later in life and, well, all I can say is that, there are very, very few cure-all methods in this world, but Alan Carr’s book contains one.

Here you go. I sincerely hope you will read it.

I had a look at the site and i’m intrigued. I’m reluctant to part with cash seeing as I have quit smoking and have no desires to smoke again ever.

Thanks for the encouragement, it really does add to my determination to get fit and not fat. Yep, I suppose ultimately i would like to get big too although I know I’m a late starter. I’d like to be able to see if I actually have abs, a 4, 6 or 8 pack would be nice… I have never seen them in my entire life so it will be good if I can get lean enough to find out what I have got!

Another thing that always was hard was finding veins when having blood tests… Again, if I get lean enough to see the tubes it will make me feel good even though I have this horrible aversion to needles…

I hope in time to be able to help others here as much as I have been helped by all the great articles and posts and being able to pass on any knowledge or experience that I pick up in the course of time.

[quote]shawninjapan wrote:
Hi Slamdog. I am really impressed with your progress. Good luck in the future.

I noted that you said you have not smoked for a while, but I know also what an insidious addiction it is. I highly, highly recommend your reading Alan Carr’s book, Alan Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking. My dad was an extremely heavy smoker for 40 years. One read, and he was a non-smoker in short order.

I myself smoked for ten years, heavily, and quit because I had to make a choice between had exercise and this. However, I read the book later in life and, well, all I can say is that, there are very, very few cure-all methods in this world, but Alan Carr’s book contains one.

Here you go. I sincerely hope you will read it.

Dude, I used this book too. I am only 24 and have “only” been smoking for 7 years, but the book works if you let it. It’s a no-BS approach to quitting that lasts forever. I haven’t had any form of tobacco in 5 months and am sure as hell not looking back.

I think you say in this thread that you quit already, but if you ever need help, read the book. And recommend it to anyone you know struggling with smoking.

certainly the reviews on the book on amazons site look great…

and naughty me… I did a search on usenet… it is only there in dutch and german in both book format and dvd. no english version yet…

Only just seen this thread and nice to see that there was noticeable progress at the end of it.

Keep it up.

[quote]Chris Jayne wrote:
Only just seen this thread and nice to see that there was noticeable progress at the end of it.

Keep it up.[/quote]

Thanks for the encouragement.

I will keep this thread updated as time goes by. Might even add some more piccys! In fact, I will, probably every couple of months at least.