How’s it going T Nation? I have been bitten by the black iron beast and am now infected with a hunger to improve myself. Here I have come to gain knowledge and advice on my quest to continually improve myself. I got tired of being a sloth and sort of woke up to the way I was living.
Not necessarily new to lifting, but I am a beginner. Was introduced while wrestling in high school and most recently, a few years ago, by the Crossfit gym I attended. This means I probably need to be retrained on a few thingsâ?¦
Ever decided you have had enough and decided to do something about it? Well, I got tired of making excuses for not going to the gym so I have recently started purchasing equipment for my garage. There should be enough to get me started and hopefully I will find more as time progresses.
I have chosen to do the Wendler 531 Boring But Big Progression. Is that how you would call it? I am going to list my next 6 Cycles (21 Weeks) here and hopefully receive some solid feedback. Itâ??s almost mimics the BBB Template exactly, but due to my lack of equipment I changed some of the movements. Hopefully this okay being in the 531 section instead of Beginners. If not I will request it to be moved.
Main assistance:
Cycle One (3 Weeks): 5x10 @ 50% TM
Cycle Two (4 Weeks): 5x10 @ 60% TM
Cycle Three (3 Weeks): 5x10 @ 70% TM
Cycle Four (4 Weeks): 5x5 @ 80% TM
Cycle Five (3 Weeks): 5x3 @ 90% TM
Cycle Six (4 Weeks): 5x1 @ 100% TM
Press 531 (Pullups between each set of Press)
Bench 5x10
DB Row 5x10
Back Ext. 5x12
DB Curl 3x10**
DB Lateral Raise 3x10**
Dips 3x15**
Dead 531 (Jump Tucks between each warm-up set)
Squat 5x10
AB Wheel 5x15
Neck Harness 5x12
Bench 531 (Inverted Row between each set of Bench)
Press 5x10
Bent over row 5x10
Back Ext. 5x12
EZ Bar Curl 3x10**
Seated Half Press 3x10**
Band Face Pulls 3x10**
Squat 531 (Step Jump or Box Jumps between each warm-up set)
Dead 5x10
Hanging Leg Raise 5x15
Neck Harness 5x12
**If I have enough in the tank to do these I will.
Due to the weather and the fact the cold sucks I have recently purchased a Schwinn Airdyne and am using it. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I am currently riding at 50 â?? 60 RPM for 30 minutes. I hope to improve this over time. Tuesday and Thursdays I am doing some sort of interval such as Reverse Tabata. If for some reason a session is skipped I try to walk with a weight vest Saturday afternoon.
If anyone has advice or pointers where I could make changes that would be awesome and greatly appreciated. If I have not provided enough information please let me know and your questions will be answered.