im finally back after 2 major set backs in my life since easter.
ive put on some fat and got lazy
so basically to give my self a good kick up the arse. im starting a maual labour job tomorrow with my unlce… at the moment its only going to be 3/4 days a week.
every day i will start at 7am and be home at 5/6pm. whats the best way to go about my diet while doing this. protein shakes are going to be impratical as i will be on sites and on roofs when lunch breaks come around.
tomorrow im thinking of making 6 rounds of Chicken,bacon,lettuce and tomoato sandwiches on brown bread. using 2 rounds as a meal… ill have 3 meals while at work. ill have a shake and some porridge in the morning. so thats 4 meals taken care of. the other 2 will be a shake and the last one something i will cool when i get home.
on days i am not working i will be going to the gym and eating 6 meals a day.
any advice/tips on eating while at work? how can i make it not boring?
the work im doing is putting NETS and other type of spike etc on tops of churchs/schools and the like to keep birds away.
breaks will most likely be taken on the roofs etc. you arnt allowed to take a back pack up with you for some sort of health and safety reason. but i can cram a few sandwichs in my pocket and eat them up there. thats basically the problem.
BCAA pills/caps. excuse my ignorane, how will that help.
its basically whatever you can carry on your body with you, so yea ill be bringing up a 500ml bottle probaby. wouldnt be able to carry much more. ill be working on small ledges/from a cherry picker so not much room to store stuff.
we are allowed down for lunch around 2/3 so i could maybe have a shake then… but from 9-2 ill be up on the roof/ledge/picker etc. and i know i should be eating something inbetween.
then back up again from 3ish - 5. and i should probably eat something then aswell. most of the guys take up a couple of sandwiches and few mars bars… and a packet of ciggerettes. obviously i want to avoid the last two.
its a bit of shite situation i no, but i cant really find any other work at the minute since im going back to ireland in 6 weeks and no one will hire me for only 6 weeks.
are protein bars a decent subsitute for meals/shakes?
[quote]thosebananas wrote:
cagro pockets? do u mean like the big pockets you get on a pair of cargo shorts/trousers? [/quote]
A ziploc baggy of nuts or beef jerky should take care of it. I use a 1/2C of nuts as a meal sometimes when I’m on the go and can’t carry anything else.
Chicken breasts, in the oven the night b4 at 180 4 about 40 min, wrapped in some tin wrap with a little sauce of some sort if you want, when there done let them cool over night in the morning throw them in you pocket on the way out the door, good easy source of protein and energy for when your on the laboring circuit, I was for 2 years got really lean as well from doing something all day, eating every 2 hours was munching the body fat, good luck.