by Chris Shugart
4 Fascinating New Studies
Soak up all the latest health science in about three minutes. Check out these eye-opening studies.
Some health science topics deserve a deep dive, but some just fall into the "good to know" category. Here are four bits of interesting research, concentrated and instantized for quick consumption:
1. Want Muscle? Animal Proteins Beat Plant Proteins
Researchers provided subjects with two types of meals, both containing the same number of calories and the same amount of protein:
- One group received a plant-based protein meal: quinoa, soybeans, chickpeas, and broad beans (36 grams of protein.)
- One group received an animal-based protein meal: lean ground beef, potatoes, string beans, applesauce, and butter (also 36 grams of protein.)
Those eating the animal-protein meal had a 47% higher muscle protein synthesis rate afterward compared to the vegan-meal eaters. Although both meals contained the same amount of protein, the animal-protein meal contained more essential amino acids, primarily leucine. (Ground beef contains 1.7 to 2 grams of leucine per 3.5-ounce serving.)
Leucine is, of course, the master amino acid for muscle growth, which is why muscle-building supplements like Surge Workout Fuel (Buy at Amazon) contain a hefty dose of it (5 grams per serving).
2. Get More Omega-3s to Reduce Acne
Researchers gathered 60 individuals with mild to moderate acne and found that over 98% were deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. When the participants ate more fish and took omega-3 supplements for four months, they noticed significant reductions in inflammatory and non-inflammatory skin lesions (zits).
The subjects took omega-3 supplements containing 600 mg of DHA and 300 mg of EPA for the first half of the study and a slightly bigger dose for the second half – pretty puny amounts.
I'd like to see this study conducted again with high-dose fish oil. With almost every other condition, a bigger dose leads to bigger and better results. Maybe they could've seen faster results if they'd used a concentrated, high-dose supplement like Flameout (Buy at Amazon) (2000 mg DHA and 400 mg EPA).
3. Fish Oil Quells Violence
Violent people wreak havoc on society, whether we're talking about repeat offenders out in the streets or serial abusers. Researchers found that when we beat these people over the head with a big bottle of fish oil, they tend to not repeat their aggressive acts.
No wait, that's not it. Ah, here it is:
We know that deficiencies in brain function can lead to aggressive and violent behavior, and nutrition plays a role (possibly because diet affects prefrontal functioning). Neurocriminologist Adrian Raine conducted several studies and a meta-analysis to see whether omega-3 supplementation decreased violent tendencies. In short, yes, she says, by about 30%.
Raine suggests that parents of overly aggressive kids feed them more fish, and she even implies that the criminal justice system should take note of fish oil's violence-reducing effects.
Hmm, maybe that should be our next marketing campaign. Flameout (Buy at Amazon): 9 out of 10 maximum security prisons recommend it.
4. Vitamin D Fights Signs of Aging
A big part of what we call "aging" involves stem cells. Adult stem cells replenish and repair bodily tissues. But their ability to divide and generate new cells diminishes as you age: you look older, feel older, and become more susceptible to diseases.
Multiple studies back up the idea that vitamin D has anti-aging and life-extension benefits. In this new study, researchers looked specifically at intestinal stem cells. The study was mind-numbingly boring, but here's the gist: vitamin D treatment protected intestinal stem cells during aging. According to the scientists, this study provides "direct evidence of the anti-aging role of the vitamin D."
So, add that to vitamin D's ever-growing list of benefits and keep taking your vitamin D. Just be sure to use the most bioavailable form: microencapsulated vitamin D3 (Buy at Amazon).
- Park, et al. "The anti-aging effect of vitamin D and vitamin D receptor in Drosophila midgut," 7 February 2024, Aging.
- Pinckaers, et al. "Higher Muscle Protein Synthesis Rates Following Ingestion of an Omnivorous Meal Compared with an Isocaloric and Isonitrogenous Vegan Meal in Healthy, Older Adults” 15 November 2023, The Journal of Nutrition.
- Guertler, et al. "Exploring the potential of omega-3 fatty acids in acne patients: A prospective intervention study" 10 July 2024, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.
- Raine, Brodrick. "Omega-3 supplementation reduces aggressive behavior: A meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials" 16 May 2024, Aggression and Violent Behavior.