New HERE, but not Overall

Hey Ya’ll

I’ve been lurking here on T-Nation for a few years now & thought it was high time that I signed up & joined the community of like minded folks!

Now, where do I start? I’m 25, I’m currently in a bit of a transition period, I’ve been bodybuilding for the last 2-3 years & am starting to get into strength training, more accurately Olympic lifting (snatches, clean & presses et al ).

Lets see…i’m 5’6, 155lb’s, bf-14%ish. I pretty much do 3 full body workouts a week (monday, wednesday & friday), doing mostly just compound movements (squats, rows, bench press, clean & press, snatch, deadlift et al).

My main goal is to gain the classic physique look of Steve Reeves &/or Reg Park, while being super strong. Yes, I have to develop both fast & (both) slow twitching muscle fibers, but that’s something I need to do, for me.

I’m considering one day competing in bodybuilding, perhaps 2010. Competing for me isn’t as important as others, I juz want to look good, be health & strong!

I’m not sure if i should’ve posted this HERE, feel free to move it, juz tell me where it’s moved to haha!

p.s. I’m in Australia

I’ve been bodybuilding for the last 2-3 years

i’m 5’6, 155lb’s, bf-14%ish

you’re doing something wrong.

what does you’re routine/diet look like.

My routine is as follows…

note, sets → reps, ie 2 sets of 20 reps

Squats (Progressive Movement Training) 2 x 20
Snatches 3 x 5
Bench Press 3 x 5
Machine Hyper extentions 2 x 12
Crunches 3 x 20

Squats (PMT) 2 x 20
Clean & Press 3 x 5
Incline Bench Press
JS Row 3 x 5
Chin Up’s 3 x 8 (bodyweight)
Dips 3 x 8 (bodyweight

The same as monday’s compound movenets
Barbell curl superset french curl / skull crusher 3 x 8

[quote]TheOlympian wrote:
My routine is as follows…

note, sets → reps, ie 2 sets of 20 reps

Squats (Progressive Movement Training) 2 x 20
Snatches 3 x 5
Bench Press 3 x 5
Machine Hyper extentions 2 x 12
Crunches 3 x 20

Squats (PMT) 2 x 20
Clean & Press 3 x 5
Incline Bench Press
JS Row 3 x 5
Chin Up’s 3 x 8 (bodyweight)
Dips 3 x 8 (bodyweight

The same as monday’s compound movenets
Barbell curl superset french curl / skull crusher 3 x 8[/quote]

looks good enough. Are you an active person? If you’re looking to add more mass and more strength you’re going to need to eat more.

Yeah, I’m a fairly active person. For most of my live I’ve been fairly lean & active.

It’s weird, I eat & eat & eat the house down, but don’t seem to gain the size I want. Part of the problem is, also I suspect, is I lack a good workout which will help my olympic style lifting.

Comming from a bodybuilding background, I’m aware of set/rep ranges, but alas, I’m not convinced that it’s doing a lot of good.

[quote]TheOlympian wrote:
Yeah, I’m a fairly active person. For most of my live I’ve been fairly lean & active.

It’s weird, I eat & eat & eat the house down, but don’t seem to gain the size I want. Part of the problem is, also I suspect, is I lack a good workout which will help my olympic style lifting.

Comming from a bodybuilding background, I’m aware of set/rep ranges, but alas, I’m not convinced that it’s doing a lot of good.[/quote]

I’m not trying to be a dick here.
But if you come from a bodybuilding background shouldn’t you understand how much food you need to consume to grow and what exercises allow you to make the best size and strength gains?

If you’ve been bodybuilding for 3-4 years you should have put on some mass in that time frame.

Also if you want to start doing olympic lifting the best advice I can give you is get an olympic lifting coach. Or video tape your o-lifts and review your form until you get it down good.

read Berardi’s massive eating

don’t be too harsh yall…otherwise we’ll drive good (yet perhaps misguided) people from the site.