Have any of you seen this yet? Interesting spin on the traditional pyramid. Check out “MyPyramid Animation” for their explanation. What are your thoughts on the way food groups are divided up?
While the original pyramid wasn’t perfect…
I think the problem lies more in the way people interpret it. The whole 9-11 servings of grains can be great or terrible depending on the “grains” you choose.
I could go for 9-11 of high-fiber low-GI grains and come out totally different than someone who goes for 18 slices of Wonder Bread.
It’s definitely an improvement on the original.
I eat a lot more meat and veggies than it recomended, but less beans. Overall, and as a general guide, not bad.
[quote]mindeffer01 wrote:
I eat a lot more meat and veggies than it recomended, but less beans. Overall, and as a general guide, not bad.
Eat more beans. Solve the gas crisis.
Udo’s choice
fish oil fish oil fish oil
Surge Surge Surge Surge Surge
fruits, veggies, vitamins and minerals
oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats
Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow!
water water water water water water water water water water
that’s the only food pyramid anyone needs.
[quote]BFG wrote:
Udo’s choice
fish oil fish oil fish oil
Surge Surge Surge Surge Surge
fruits, veggies, vitamins and minerals
oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats
Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow!
water water water water water water water water water water
that’s the only food pyramid anyone needs.
BFG your pyramind is clever. But I don’t think the conservatives will accept it. Were just not there yet.
The pyramid is better than the old one. But there is still too much emphasis on grains, and not enough on the right kinds(they say half of your CHO should be whole), as someone already pointed out. Also, I think fats are underemphasized, especially since the low fat craze of the 90’s did a real number on people and caused a lot of confusion. Poly and mono’s are mentioned but most people who read the website will not get how important they are, because ‘fats are bad.’
I see people around eating sub sandwiches in the evening, pulling off the cheese ‘cause its fattening,’ yet they’ll keep the bread, and both pieces too. Probably 80 grams of carbs there, and the wrong kind (the site if im correct only mentions sugar as the wrong kind). But I digress. Maybe I’m hoping for too much. Bottomline anyone following this pyramid will get mediocre results.
I don’t think anyone (read : normal american) really “follows” the food pyramid. No one wakes up in the morning hoping to get in 3 servings of fruit, 4 veggies, 12 grains yadda yadda… This is an “I like it… I eat it” society, not a “what do i need to eat” society.
I’m not expecting ANY change in the way America eats because of this pyramid.
I don’t even see it as an improvement. They have got something that was familiar, simple to use but that almost no one was following due to laziness and made it more complicated, less intuitive and after that the advice given is still the same sorry trade off between health and socio-economic pressures and still (in my experience with clients) almost no one knows what a ‘serving’ is anyway.
Of cource they are in an imposible position trying to construct something for the masses and stay in line with economic pressures but advice like ‘eat a handful of lean protein, one of green and one of coloured veg 3 or more times a day’, 'drink only water - do it ‘till you pee runs colourless’ and ‘shop around the perimeter of the supermarket’ has been so much more useful in my experience than ‘eat 7 cups of starchy vegetables a week’.
No matter how you look at it a person has to want to change themselves for the better. I do not think this attempt by the government to motivate americans is going to be any better than all those fad diets out there. Besides this pyramid is completely wrong for most people on this site. I know I eat more than 7 ounces of chicken or fish at lunch time alone.
and what the hell did flipping it on its side do? Instead of having sized blocks we have sized triangles…big improvement. I believe the stairs could have been put on the side of the other one.
That is all.
There’s still a lot of problems. But it’s an improvement if only because it differentiates between whole grains and processed, refined carbs. It also allows that some fats are not bad and differentiates between unsaturated and saturated fats. It is still protein-light (by a lot) and fat-light.