Ok remember this is the volume that I could handle and the exercises that I liked. The Idea is not to go directly ala westside (1RM) but to use the first 3 sessions as volume and the last 2 as strenght. Not that much overlap if you choose your exercises wisely, and if you have as much recovery as I do (plus the gear) there should be no problem. This is from my logbook back in 2000.
MONDAY - Chest, Shoulders, Tri
Incline Press (3-5x12, 10, 8, 8, 6)
Cable Flyes (4-5x12, 10, 8, 8, 6)
Dumbbell Press (4-5x12, 10, 8, 8, 6)
Standing Bentover Lateral Raises (3-5x6-8)
Dips (3-5x12-15)
Triceps Rope Pulldowns (5x8, 30sec rest)
Leg Extensions (3-5x10-12)
Leg Curls (3-5x8-12)
Calf Raises (3-5x15-20)
Squats (5-7x15, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 6)
Partial Deadlifts (5x10, 8, 6, 6, 6)
WEDNESDAY - Back, Biceps
Wide Grip Pulldowns (3-5x12, 10, 8, 8, 8)
Seated Lat Row (4-5x12, 10, 8, 8, 6)
Hammer curls (3-5x10, 8, 8, 8, 6)
Dumbbell Alternate Curls (3-5x6-8)
FRIDAY - Upper Body
Chins (Max Set of 5)
Bench Press (5x5 heavy, sets across)
SATURDAY - Lower Body
Front Squats (5x5 heavy, sets across)
Progressive Pulls (Need explanation below)
OK the important point of this routine is to not go to failure on the first 3 days. The most important thing is the pump. Having 30 secs between sets and getting that concentration into the muscle. This is why you can not be wiped out.
The progressive pulls need a little bit of clarification. At the time I was doing this routine My main focus was on getting my back as big and wide as possible. This is an old olympic training exercise that I learned while I was young and training with O’lifters. You start with power cleans for sets of 3. Start light and work up the poundages.
When you can’t make the 3 reps you move to High pulls (pulling up to your shoulders). When you can’t pull to the bottom of the sternum you switch to clean pulls. When you can no longer pull to the belt line, you switch to deadlifts. Then you finish off with power shrugs on the rack.
Trust me after this you will understand why the next 3 days is only flexing the weight.