new biotest fat burner?

Bill? Chris? Any hints as to the release of this product? Ingredients? peace.

Nope, I don’t have a clue. They don’t let me into the Biotest end of the building anymore since I rolled nekid in a bin of vanilla Grow! then chased the secretaries around singing Unchained Melody and telling them I was Patrick Swayze from Ghost.

But I told Tim that this question comes up often on the forum so he may address it in a future “Behind the Scenes” column. He’s putting together a new one now that will answer a lot of common questions about MD6 and Myostat. Like Axl says, all you need is just a little patience.

PATIENCE!? AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Chris! can you give us a little glimpse of any special articles comin’ up? you workin’ on anything!?

Sure, I’m always working on at least seven or eight articles at a time. TC and I have a series of articles coming up where we show you a bunch of effective exercises most people have never tried. Should be fun. I also just completed a new interview with Charles Staley. Lots of good info there. This Friday look for several new articles (as usual) including a new “Alternative Pharmacist” by Doug Kalman and a hilarious “Idiocy Watch” by Steve Berardi.

Let’s see, what else? Paper issue #8 is in the can already, but it’ll be a while before it hits the newsstands. My new Gut Check column in there rivals (hopefully) the “Merry Christmas, Bob” article I did a while back and got a lot of good responses from. I have several big feature articles on the psychology of bodybuilding I’m hoping will be posted soon plus an article on electromedicine, a better alternative to many drugs, especially for anxiety and depression.

The TV show Inside Edition called me up for info after seeing me on HBO and may want to use me for something. Didn’t sound hopeful though. I’m hoping to attend SWIS this year; John Berardi and I may both do articles on what we learned there or at least co-write one.

That’s about all I can think of right now! Lots of fun stuff coming soon from T-mag!

Hey Chris,
What is the ETA on the updated version of the t-dawg diet. I’ve been playing with my own variations, but I’m very interested in seeing what you guys have come up with. Thanks.

Cool Chris :slight_smile: Looking forward to the next BTS and other great info from T-Mag. Now watch time slow down till late Friday :-/

Steve, this is the danger of announcing upcoming articles on the forum- sometimes they don’t work out, they get rejected, or in the case of the T-Dawg Diet Version 2.0, I just won’t get off my butt and finish it. The problem is I’m not sure it justifies a whole new article. There are many changes, but they can be summed up pretty quickly. I’ve also been putting together a new Dawg School where I outline a newbie diet, sort of a Beginner’s Blast Off Program, but diet instead of training. The two are overlapping so I’m not sure which one to go with.

Until I untangle it all, here are the basic changes in the T-Dawg: 1) 100 carbs a day, 70 on non-training day (or 150/100 your choice). About 50g carbs should come right after training. I’m totally convinced that proper post-workout nutrition outweighs being in ketosis. In fact, keto is overrated and not necessary for rapid fat loss. Since carb intake will be a little higher, fat intake will be a little lower. 2) Every third day, bump up the calories a little. Not a cheat day, just a little more good food. Then go back to the lower number for two days etc. 3) No cheat day or cheat weekend, but a single cheat meal, one per week, anything goes. (I like pizza, beer and ice cream, only ice cream first.) 4) Nutrient timing plays a bigger role. Ideal schedule would be a very large P+F breakfast (like a true mutt, the new T-Dawg gets some of its mixed genes from Massive Eating), big shot of carbs during or after training, P+F again before bed in a small meal. Other meals will be mostly low carb protein meals, but you’ll still have some carbs to spread around. Some may want these for lunch to fuel an afternoon workout; others may want to get two post-training carb meals- there’s increasing evidence that this is a good thing. 5) I may implement a no food log kickstart to the program and a no food log “off” plan. But this is where it starts to overlap with the Dawg School newbie diet.

Those are the basic changes. There’s more, but that about covers the big stuff. To me, this is an easier plan to follow, gives you more energy for training, and the fat loss should still be on par if not better than before. And though I’m not gonna say it, many people tell me they gained muscle and lost fat at the same time using a similar plan. And this was before MAG-10 and 4-AD-EC hit the market!

Hope that helps!

Chis; sounds like it’s going to be worth the wait! I think that everyone should have 2-3 nutritional programs in their “arsenal”. Seems like “T-Dawg 2.0” will be one of them for me!

Chris, if this has recently been asked and answered, I apologize, but what’s up with the re-release of original GROW! and the Grow! bars? I got excited back in February when you guys announced their impending release. Can you throw me a bone?

Not sure, Herc. I’m a bit out of the loop when it comes to that side of the biz. But I’ve also sent that question to Tim so hopefully he’ll address it in BTS soon. I’m sure he was going to anyway. I’m aching for those bars myself!

I’m with you on that Chris!! Man I sound like a kid awaiting Christmas :slight_smile: hehe. It would just make it infintaly easier getting the protein I need since I cannot take a shake to work (givin my job)

Very cool Chris. Thanks! I will definitely give that new T-dawg diet protocol a try pretty soon. I always change up my diet a bit every time I do it anyway so I can’t wait to try this out.

your changes to the t-dawg sound like thier sure worth a try. Have you given it a test drive…or just on paper? if you have tried it, how’d you find it? and one more question…is it still bacon and cheese and stuff i can eat?

oh the calorie and protein amounts and kept the same...? would be cool to give this a try...

Genovese - Yes, all the changes were based on about three years of my experimentation and feedback from those who’ve used the diet. Remember, the diet is just a mutt, it takes bits and pieces from many diets and blends them into what works very well for most people.

As for what to eat, I don’t think saturated fat is the enemy, but prefer to see mostly goods fats being used. On that note, whole eggs are fine and other “bad” fats can be reduced as needed. For example, I use fat free cheeses, but don’t see a problem with whole eggs. It’s a balance really. Remember, one of the goals of the T-Dawg was to make diets like the Anabolic Diet healthier, so I suggest a lot of fish oil caps. To me, fish oil beats Udo’s or flax, if you don’t mind taking in all those capsules. I can swallow 6-7 at once so it doesn’t bother me.

Haven’t really decided on protein and cals yet. Many keto gurus say to keep the protein at less than a gram per pound of bw, but I’ve never had a problem with going above that. Plus, this diet isn’t a straight keto diet, which is unnecessary. Calories are tricky. Some said my earlier recs were too high, others said they were too low, proving it’s a very individual thing. I’ll probably suggest a basic starting point with a simple “x body weight” formula. If someone chooses to use 4-AD-EC with it, then they can go much lower in calories without fear of losing muscle. I love that stuff!

So there are a lot of options to tailor it to fit your needs. Hope that helps.

damn…i thought my last message might have messed up and i guess it didn’t go through properly…i was wondering if you (chris) think it would be a good idea to do t-dawg without any supps. I’m only using a protein powder to supp my intake and that’s it…i can’t afford anything else, although i do have some of the old t2 left. do you think i would waste muscle while dieting wown? thanks for all the advice…i know i should probably be paying for it, but… :slight_smile: thanks chris…

Genovese - The T-Dawg (and just about any diet) can be done without supps. The exceptions would be very low and very high calorie bulking diets. In those cases, I really prefer some anabolic support: 4-AD-EC, MAG-10, Methoxy-7 etc.

If you watch your progress closely, take it slowly, and don’t drop cals too low or overtrain, you can do the T-Dawg without sups. The sups are there to make the process faster, easier, safer and more convenient, but not absolutely necessary.

So, watch your progress, don’t get in a hurry, play around with caloric intake as progress dictates, and take the T2 you have left when you think you’ve hit a sticking point - say, going a week or two without fat loss. Be sure and take accurate measurements. Use a tape measure, scale and calipers to be sure.

If you haven’t, read an article of mine called “The Missing Ingredient”. Good info there that will help you out. Good luck.

chris - I’m going to start the t-dawg on monday with the modifications. I remember your article…I actually have it copied onto my hard drive to check back and see if i’m ever missing any “ingredient” in my diet :slight_smile: I’ve been keeping a food log for awhile now; i use microsoft excel. Anyway…if you have any tips or want to use me as a guinea pig for anything, like i said, i’ll be starting on monday. I’ll probably post in the forum on how i’m doing every once in awhile…thanks for your time…