Good work on the election down south boys. Looks like you’ll have to travel north to shoot anything fun now! Honestly though, I don’t how this actually will affect anything but it seems VERY scary, especially since we seems to follow suit in Canada to the nth degree!
If anyone has some insight into how this will change the firearms landscape in the states, please comment! I’m admittedly not an expert on US legislation.
I copied this out of the “Report of the Platform Committee, Renewing America’s Promise” from the Democratic National Convention Committee
There’s a month+ 'til the jackasses take over and few months until congress can vote on the subject so plenty of time to stock up. Still plenty of selection out there too. FNH’s P90 series, AR’s, AR knockoffs, dozens of carbines. Lock and Load.
The biggest issue I have is that the wording is so decidedly vague. They aren’t committing to any one thing. Most people are assuming they mean assualt rifles based on previous experience, but they could be including anything and everything up to autoload shotguns. They could also attempt to ban high capacity magazines (anything 10+ rounds).
Way to go on the election? This was introduced long before the election and it is only in committee.
Notice how it is called the Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008. It is essentially reauthorizing the Brady Bill that expired a few years back.
If you read the wording on it, it says that you can have all those semi-auto rifles but you just have to have owned them on the day if/when it goes into effect.
While I disagree with it in its entirety, the only thing the Brady Bill did the first time around was make people a lot of money by reselling their hi-cap clips and semi-autos for three to four times the retail value because people were wanting to own them for the simple fact they thought they couldn’t in the future.
[quote]duece wrote:
Way to go on the election? This was introduced long before the election and it is only in committee.
Notice how it is called the Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008. It is essentially reauthorizing the Brady Bill that expired a few years back.
If you read the wording on it, it says that you can have all those semi-auto rifles but you just have to have owned them on the day if/when it goes into effect.
While I disagree with it in its entirety, the only thing the Brady Bill did the first time around was make people a lot of money by reselling their hi-cap clips and semi-autos for three to four times the retail value because people were wanting to own them for the simple fact they thought they couldn’t in the future.[/quote]
This would be a great marketing tool, outlaw this shit every few years so people over pay to stock up.
Does anyone know exactly which guns will be banned? I’ve wanted an M-14 for a while, but can’t afford one. I figure if the rifle will still be legal, I’ll just stock up on a few 20-round magazines.
Does anyone know exactly which guns will be banned? I’ve wanted an M-14 for a while, but can’t afford one. I figure if the rifle will still be legal, I’ll just stock up on a few 20-round magazines.[/quote]
Just ammo or everything? And all ammo or just your ‘assault weapon ammo’ .223, 7.62x65 etc.?
I bet ammo prices are just that because people are starting to stockpile. Supply vs. Demand. If you went this weekend, it’s the first gun show since people knew for sure that a democrat would be president so that probably influenced peoples purchases.
Does anyone know exactly which guns will be banned? I’ve wanted an M-14 for a while, but can’t afford one. I figure if the rifle will still be legal, I’ll just stock up on a few 20-round magazines.
He’s asking which guns will be banned. You throw out Appendix A without explaining what it is. Some people may get the wrong idea and think that’s the ban list. Appendix A is the list of guns that won’t be banned.
Does anyone know exactly which guns will be banned? I’ve wanted an M-14 for a while, but can’t afford one. I figure if the rifle will still be legal, I’ll just stock up on a few 20-round magazines.
He’s asking which guns will be banned. You throw out Appendix A without explaining what it is. Some people may get the wrong idea and think that’s the ban list. Appendix A is the list of guns that won’t be banned.[/quote]
Whoops. You’re right, I didn’t read it over very good.