Never Had a Crazy Chest Pump, Free Weights Only

I love 21s for the biceps! Excited to try this! Thanks

I have revised my chest day to look like this.

I was hoping to get in shoulders also but maybe thatā€™s too much in a session?
5 sets flat bench
3 sets incline
3 supersets of 30 degree flies and dumbbell press
1 set of 21s
3 sets of triceps

15 sets total

Is it too much to add 6 more sets consisting of 3 sets standing press and 3 sets of lateral raises?

Absolutely. Iā€™ve been using reverse 21s with bands again for bi/tri, either loaded, e.g. EZ curl +band; or just band with rope handle attachment. Brutal. Again, add a stretch afterwards and you will have DOMS guaranteed!

Another one from Scott Stevenson - 5 in the hole. Try a DB fly (incline, pronated grip seems to work better for me for mind muscle connection). Then:

  • Do 5 full reps
  • Do 5 top partials
  • Do 4 full reps
  • Do 5 mid range partials
  • Do 3 full reps
  • Do 5 bottom partials, etc, until you do 1 rep +5 final partials.

What does your weekly split look like? Why are you looking to add shoulder work to your chest day?

I would try doing the flyes after your 5x5 work then flat DB.

Hi @lucasmon

For the last 5 weeks, I have been doing a 6 day program which has workouts split into am and pm to allow for refuelling and more intensity.

It essentially was
Day 1:
Chest AM (Flat Bench 5x5, Incline Bench 3x8 and Flies 3x10)
Upper Back PM

Day 2:
Quads AM
Hamstrings and glutes PM

Day 3:
Chest and Triceps AM
Biceps PM

Day 4:
Deadlifts AM
Upper Back PM

Day 5:
Shoulders AM
Arms PM

Day 6:
Legs AM
Core PM

Day 7:

For my new routine I was considering a modified version of a more typical 4 day or 5 day program.
4 Day:
Push, Pull, Push Pull

5 Day:
Pull, Push, Legs, Pull, Push

Doing the 4 day or 5 day program would require adding shoulders into push day and adding legs or deadlifts into my pull days.

I really want to try and hit all body parts 2 times each week.

Why not try Leg/Push/Pull 2x a week focusing on certain muscles each session.

That will mean I donā€™t get to hit all parts 2 times per week which I wanted to achieve.

What do you mean? Of course you would.

Mon: Legs: Quad Focus

Tues: Push: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps: Chest Focus

Wed: Pull: Back/Biceps: Horizontal Focus

Thur: Legs: Hamstring Focus

Fri: Push:Chest/Shoulders/Triceps: Shoulder Focus

Sat: Back/Biceps: Vertical Focus

Sun: Rest

**This is what I currently do.

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Hi @lucasmon and thanks for the help bud.

Are you following a specific off the shelf program as this looks interesting.

No specific program, just a split variation that has been used by many lifters.