Hi, I’m curious as to what my results indicate?
I thought I’d be type 1, more 1B but could see some 1A traits as well. However was injured at start of year and was unable to train and during that time I felt much more like a 2B
Would it suggest competitive natured 1B and more like type 2 when under stress?
Sub-total “Main” 48 47 24 26 30
Sub-Total “Secondaries” 16 34 24 36 -2
Sub-Total “Other” 37 31 26 14 9
TOTAL 101 112 74 76 37
To me that is a clear 1B… very high dopamine sensitivity (both 1A and 1B scores are high), high acetylcholine and very high serotonin (low type 3 score). You felt like a 2B when you couldn’t train likely because you didn’t get a dopamine stimulation. Also, let me ask you this: when you were under stress and didn’t train, did your eating became worse? Because nutrition can have an impact on glutamate levels which could bring out 2B properties.
Thanks for your reply CT. That makes a lot of sense and I think the high Dopamine sensitivity, and high Acet/Ser levels all ring true.
With regards the eating, for around 4 or 5 weeks post surgery my appetite was extremely low compared to normal. Once it improved I tracked my diet pretty strictly, to avoid gaining fat, which I do easily. (Had calories at maintenance and my macros around
20% CHO, 40% P, 40% F). I did notice that I if i ate any crappy food that day would turn into a binge, eating everything in sight, the packaging it came in and even considered eating the person who sold it to me.
what 1B with low GABA, high Glutamate will have such a personality like?
From experience, because that’s like my wife, they will have a lot of empathy , even more than a 1B because both glutamate and acetylcholine play a role in empathy. They will also have problems sleeping. Typical to feel tired mid-day but have a super hard time getting to sleep or staying asleep at night.
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100% me. What does your wife do to sleep faster/better at night? The only thing that slightly helped in my case was valerian, but its still not really optimal.
Can someone have medium/high serotonin but very low acetylcholine?
That’s super interesting! I think I might be a 1B with low GABA and high glutamate based on that description. Would that be similar to a 2B artist sub-type in that both would have high levels of emotional creativity due to high ace and glutamate? Thank you.
Yes, they are independent of each other. Both are affected by poor methylation (poor methylation leads to lower serotonin and acetylcholine) but acetylcholine can be low for other reasons (low choline in diet for example, or excessive acetylcholinesterase activity for example).
Absolutely. But they would be more down to earth/pragmatic/competitive than the 2B artist.
Awesome thank you and another three terms I would use to describe myself!
1B has the highest Serotonin level, so why would they have trouble sleeping at night if they have high Glutamate and low Gaba?
They normally have the highest serotonin. But if they have low GABA their serotonin system will be “overloaded” and they might start to have issues.
Furthermore, tons of stuff can affect serotonin levels. Don’t look at a profile and assume that because you are a 1B you automatically have high serotonin. Poor nutrition, vitamin B12 deficiency (which will negatively affect the methylation cycle), stress, too long on a low carbs diet, etc. could lead to lowered serotonin levels
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