
All next week in my chest workout i plan on doing negatives and rack lockouts. So I’m wondering on any input. I was thinking 5 x 5 of rack lockouts, meaning on a power rack just pushing very heavy weight say the top third of the movement, not full bench followed by 5 x 5 of very heavy negatives (50lbs more than 1rm) negatives being lowering weight yourself but partner helps u bring it back up.

The reason for this is trying to hit a new 1rm and shock my pecs. Any ideas criticism or input?

Well you should probably know that the bench and especially the lockout is a tricep dominant movement.

ok… any1 else

Since board and pin presses are some of the best triceps developers, as Jared pointed out, my guess that doing partial medium-wide-grip bench reps on the lower half of the ROM would be good chest work. I.e. only press up half way, then bring down again.

You might also look at Chad Waterbury’s Six Weeks to a Bigger Chest or something like that. Check out the Articles section, both by Author, and in the Training section for other good articles from Tate, Roberts, CT, etc.

link? and im mostly wondering about these 2 excercises.


What exactly are you curious about? Like the other guys have said already, rack lockouts are more likely to target your triceps. Negatives are good, but I personally think you’re nuts to do them all week long.

The guys have pointed you to some articles. We shouldn’t have to post links for you. Use the nifty SEARCH feature provided on the website.

Once again, go to the Article Library, check both by Authors as I have indicated, and also read throuth the Training section. There’s a gold-mine of info there. You’re only hurting yourself by not exploring it.

You say it’s your chest workout, heavy negatives, good idea… but do them after your regular workout, or just add them in, don’t do ONLY the negatives. As for the rack lock-outs, that’s mainly a tricep exercise, as most of the other guys have said.

search button doesnt work for me, i use firefox, so a link would be nice

Take a cambered bar, place a 2 board on your chest and press. you get an extra 2 inches or so of ROM. without the 2 board it’s probably going to be pretty painful. You could also use dumbbells to get larger ROM but lower reps don’t seem to work as well with them.

Try super setting db flies with dips those are pretty rough on your pecs although you probably won’t develop a ton of strength that way.

Chain push ups (set the chains up like gymnastic rings) are tough on your chest, you can add plates on your back, and i would put a mini band around your back too.

If you want something simple, a lot of sets with low reps and a wide grip on flat or decline bench would do probably do it. Just look around the the metal miltia workout, and use their lower strength day (the one without the shirt)

If you’re looking to increase reversal strength, you can do speed benchs where you lower the weight quickly (but under control) and reverse it about 2 inches before it hits your chest. Louie Simmons called these ballistic benchs in an article. You could probably use chains or bands with these. Use 50-70% of your max (closer to 50 if you have a high bench or are using chains, closer to 70 for straight weight and a low bench).

[quote]Split wrote:
search button doesnt work for me, i use firefox, so a link would be nice[/quote]

I use Firefox and search works just fine. Make sure you’re not blocking pop-ups from T-Nation.

Motherfuck, this is like internet babysitting. People are here to point you in the right direction, not spoonfeed you the information and try to coax you into trying research for yourself sometime.

If any site’s search function doesn’t work for you, you can search from google by putting “” after your keywords. So for instance in your case you would type:

waterbury six weeks bigger chest

Lo and behold! Glory be! There it is!

RIT Jared, you’re assuming he’s capable of taking advice and following instructions.

[quote]Split wrote:
search button doesnt work for me, i use firefox, so a link would be nice[/quote]

You don’t need to use the search function. Click on the “Article Library” button on the left, then click on “Authors”, then find Chad Waterbury in the list that comes up. Click on his name and every article he has written will be in there, starting with the most recent. Scroll through, find the “Six Weeks to Bigger Chest” article, then do it.

[quote]Split wrote:
The reason for this is trying to hit a new 1rm and shock my pecs. Any ideas criticism or input?[/quote]

If you are after PRs in the bench, then learn that a max weight bench is not a pec exercise!