[quote]Renton wrote:
I was walking home last night from the shops, just before full darkness fell. I crossed a road near my house having glanced at some kids playing on the grass near a power sub station.
I didn’t pay any attention to them - just kids playing and being kids. They are always there.
As I crossed the road, with my back to them, a couple of them ran up behind me screaming for help.
A little boy - I’d guess no older than 8 or 9 had been trying to climb onto the roof of the sub station (about 9ft) and had fallen. The base of the station is surrounded by a concrete pavement about 2ft wide. He’d fallen head first onto it.
He was semi concious when I got to him but obviously badly hurt. I checked him as I’m trained to do. Obvious head damage but no blood. Difficult to see from the light of a mobile phone but his pupils seemed to be responding.
I put him gently into recovery position and checked for other wounds. Nothing. As I was checking he started coming round more and was thrashing about. Not fitting but obviously in massive pain.
His dad and the ambulance arrived shortly after.
He was taken I suspect to Whiston Hospital (as the nearest ER) but I just got word that he was moved from there at midnight to Alder Hey Childrens Hospital in Liverpool (20 minutes high speed ambulance away).
He’s in a bad way. Skull is severely fractured but I do not yet know if there is bleeding into his brain or how far the damage has gone. He’s critical in the ICU though.
I’m really shook up about it but that’s beside the point. I did everything I could at the scene and maybe I helped, maybe not. I still did everything I could.
The point is, whether you reply to this thread or not, whether you believe in it or not, please spare a thought or a prayer for the boy - his name is Josh.
Maybe it’ll help.
Thank goodness that there are people like you in the world Renton, in the right place at the right time no less. My thoughts and prayers go out to Josh and his family.