Need Your Thoughts and Prayers

I was walking home last night from the shops, just before full darkness fell. I crossed a road near my house having glanced at some kids playing on the grass near a power sub station.

I didn’t pay any attention to them - just kids playing and being kids. They are always there.

As I crossed the road, with my back to them, a couple of them ran up behind me screaming for help.

A little boy - I’d guess no older than 8 or 9 had been trying to climb onto the roof of the sub station (about 9ft) and had fallen. The base of the station is surrounded by a concrete pavement about 2ft wide. He’d fallen head first onto it.

He was semi concious when I got to him but obviously badly hurt. I checked him as I’m trained to do. Obvious head damage but no blood. Difficult to see from the light of a mobile phone but his pupils seemed to be responding.

I put him gently into recovery position and checked for other wounds. Nothing. As I was checking he started coming round more and was thrashing about. Not fitting but obviously in massive pain.

His dad and the ambulance arrived shortly after.

He was taken I suspect to Whiston Hospital (as the nearest ER) but I just got word that he was moved from there at midnight to Alder Hey Childrens Hospital in Liverpool (20 minutes high speed ambulance away).

He’s in a bad way. Skull is severely fractured but I do not yet know if there is bleeding into his brain or how far the damage has gone. He’s critical in the ICU though.

I’m really shook up about it but that’s beside the point. I did everything I could at the scene and maybe I helped, maybe not. I still did everything I could.

The point is, whether you reply to this thread or not, whether you believe in it or not, please spare a thought or a prayer for the boy - his name is Josh.

Maybe it’ll help.


Very sad to hear this Ren, but at least you were one the first persons to help out and prevented further injuries.

I wish Josh a safe and fast recovery.

[quote]Renton wrote:
I’m really shook up about it but that’s beside the point. I did everything I could at the scene and maybe I helped, maybe not. I still did everything I could.

I’m certain you did - had you not been there it may have turned out worse.

I hope he makes a full recovery, that’s terrible news - he’ll be in my thoughts.

Holy crap your a hero in my opinion. Think of what could have happened if you weren’t there.

I feel for you and the child’s family, at the same time, I’m glad you were there to help. Sorry to put that on you, but I know the kid has a better chance from having your help.

Positive thoughts sent his way!!

Prayers for josh, for full recovery

you definitely made a difference.

Shit, Ren, I’m sorry to hear that.

The both of you will be in my prayers.

I hope the kid recovers. Keep us updated, ok?

there is no maybe about anything.
you did what you were trained to do and what you knew to be right.

without you there and doing what you did this kid would without a doubt be dead where he landed.

you gave this child a chance to fight for himself.
you did your part now the rest is up to him.

you did a good job lets leave it at that,dont want to hear any more of this “maybe” BS ok?

Renton, I’m sure it’s tough but you did everything you could.

Definitely sending the positive thoughts and prayers.

Seriously don’t know how to say this without coming off as a dick.
You were right to act. You did everything you could do. I’m glad he started thrashing around, that’s an indicator that he probably didn’t have any cervical spine damage/paralysis.

For others reading this, if you come across a similar situation involving a head first fall. Do not move them or roll them into recovery position unless they are in immediate danger or are vomiting. Again, not trying to say you did something wrong.

Hope he makes a full recovery
youre a good man renton

Your request has been honored 10 fold. Chin up old boy, you did real good!

sending prayers and good vibes his way.

Free will might have been the reason that poor boy fell like that, but I truly believe that a higher power, no matter if you believe in God or not, puts good people in places where they are needed.

Cheers guys.

I aint fussed for me - I did what I did. I’m just glad that I was there to help out.

I believe that people focusing on someone can have a positive effect on all sorts of things so a thought spared from as many people as possible may help.

This is just a stage in my help for the kid.

I did what I could at the scene and I’m doing a little more now in getting a few thoughts for him.

I didn’t know his parents before last night even though they live about 20 doors up from me. I’ll show this thread to them though so they can get some comfort in the fact that it’s not just them that have been affected by this.

Thank you again.

Well done. In my prayers.

Must have been awful for his friends to see as well but well done mate sounds like you did everything possible to help. Hope he fully recovers, keep us posted

[quote]Renton wrote:
Cheers guys.

I aint fussed for me - I did what I did. I’m just glad that I was there to help out.

I believe that people focusing on someone can have a positive effect on all sorts of things so a thought spared from as many people as possible may help.

This is just a stage in my help for the kid.

I did what I could at the scene and I’m doing a little more now in getting a few thoughts for him.

I didn’t know his parents before last night even though they live about 20 doors up from me. I’ll show this thread to them though so they can get some comfort in the fact that it’s not just them that have been affected by this.

Thank you again.[/quote]

Nice Job Renton,

You were Josh’s best shot at any type of recovery. If you had not been there, well his chances would have been severly decreased.

You will both be in my thoughts. It is funny how when the sh*t hits the fan, the training takes over and you just do what you know needs to be done.

Take some comfort in the fact that you made a huge difference in one family’s life, no matter the outcome.

[quote]Firebug9 wrote:
Take some comfort in the fact that you made a huge difference in one family’s life, no matter the outcome.



More thoughts and prayers.

I don’t normally do this hippie shit, but, what the fuck.

I’m pullin’ for the kid.

My prayers to Josh and his family; hang in there, mates.

Thank God you were there, Renton. I feel you made a big difference and got the ball rolling in the proper direction.