Hi. I am new here and this is my first post.
I am 25, 165lbs, 5.9? and according to one of those electronic body fat readers I have 13.5% body fat. I just started taking Spike, HOT-ROX, and NOXX creatin(may not be saying that right).
This is the heaviest I have ever been in my life and I need some help getting rid of a few unwanted areas. For starters I have fairly large pecks (proportionally to the rest of my body) always have but recently I have gain some fatty/loose skin underneath my pecks and in certain positions on the sides of them where they connect to the armpit area. Its like they are firm up top and in the middle but then there is like these little creases right under them and on the sides around them.
So basically the pecks themselves are firm but the neighboring areas around them are not. Also on my upper oblique maybe even part of my lats on both sides has this rippling looking stuff over my ribcage when I do a trunk twist like pose in the mirror (could be cellulite??).
Just to let u know I have recently added cardio about 30 mins a week on a level that is fairly difficult for me I am beginning some new ab routine that I found on this site. I like the routine but I just did not know if there was anything specific for theses trouble areas. Any suggestions on exercises that will increase the productivity of my supplements and help isolate the trouble areas for me?
Thanks for any help in advance