The title says it all really. I think my shoulders, or lack thereof, can be directly attributed to my flat bench idling. I guess it didn’t really hit me until I was looking at pictures of myself and it was sort of a jaw-dropping moment like “…where’d my shoulders go?!”
I was following this about 4-5 months ago:
I did it for a couple months and I think it may have helped my bench a little.
At this point, I’m not really worried about my bench, but I am definitely concerned with my shoulders. I’ve gotten a lot of disinformation from different people, so I figured I might as well head over to the T forums, cause if anyone knows, it’ll be you guys right?
I’m wondering if I should do like a light shoulder day on one of my off days. I’m going to change up my split next week and I’m trying to get it all set out right now. Do you think it would be OK to have a light and heavy shoulder day in the same week?
Right now on my shoulder day I’m doing something resembling this:
Military press- 1 warmup +3 sets
Side lat raises- 3 sets
Front raises- 3 sets
Bent over or upright rows- 3 sets
And for traps:
Behind the back shrugs-4 sets
For MP I do lower reps, everything else is closer to 8-12 rep range.
I am VERY open to suggestion…and can handle getting flamed.